If it’s been awhile since your last dental cleaning near Rockville, Maryland, you may find yourself conducting an online search for “dentist near me” in order to schedule an appointment.
You may also be wondering why regular dental check-ups are so important and what happens during the visit.
Continue reading to learn how regular dental visits keep teeth and gums healthy and what patients can expect from their appointment.
Why Are Regular Dental Check Ups Important?
A regular dental check-up is designed to maintain the health and appearance of your teeth and gums.
Unless otherwise directed by your dentist, you should undergo a regular dental visit every 6 months. Doing so, will help identify any issues in their earliest stages and address them before they advance and become problematic.
What Can I Expect from a Check Up with a Dentist Near Me?
If you are searching for a dentist near me, you may be wondering what to expect from a regular dental check-up.
The visit is conducted in two parts – a dental examination and cleaning.
Dental Examination
During the exam portion, your dentist will assess your teeth for cavities and may also take x-rays to evaluate decay between the teeth.
In addition, she will inspect teeth for plaque and tartar and check the depth of spaces between teeth and gums. Special attention with be paid to deeper spaces, as they are usually indicative of gum disease.
Finally, your dentist will examine your tongue, throat, face, head, and neck for any signs of swelling, redness, or cancer.
Dental Cleaning
At the beginning of the dental cleaning, an instrument will be used to remove tartar from teeth. This process is called scaling.
Next, teeth will be polished with a gritty paste in order to eliminate surface stains and restore tooth appearance.
Finally, teeth are flossed to ensure that the spaces between your teeth a clean and clear of plaque.
Schedule an Appointment with a Dentist Near Me
If you are searching for a dentist near me and want to find a highly skilled and experienced specialist, please call our office today to schedule a consultation with leading dentist Dr. Rochelle E. Hackley DDS.
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