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How Much Does a Smile Makeover Cost in Rockville?

Smile Makeover cost in Rockville Maryland

smile makeover cost Rockville MarylandHow Much Does a Smile Makeover Cost in Rockville? On average, a smile makeover is priced at $11,175, with costs varying up to $59,999, spending on a variety of factors. Though it may not come cheap, this tailored procedure offers solutions for an array of dental issues, including stains, chips, crooked teeth, gaps, or a gummy smile. In this breakdown, we explore the factors influencing the overall cost of your smile makeover and evaluate whether real patients found their results to be worth the investment.

Does Insurance Cover a Smile Makeover?

Certain components of a smile makeover, such as crowns, dental bonding for tooth repair, gum grafting, and even Invisalign, may receive partial coverage from your dental insurance plan, particularly if you have additional orthodontic coverage.

Nevertheless, your provider might suggest other elective procedures like teeth whitening solely for cosmetic purposes. While most dental insurance plans typically exclude coverage for cosmetic dental treatments, it’s advisable to verify the specifics of your coverage with your insurance provider.

What affects the price you’ll pay for a smile makeover?

There are a number of factors that can cause the cost of a smile makeover to fluctuate, which can include:

The Complexity of Your Smile Makeover

Dental procedures offer numerous avenues to enhance your smile, addressing issues such as discoloration, chipped teeth, gum problems, and misalignment.

The journey toward your dental transformation typically starts with a consultation. During this session, you’ll share your main concerns, aspirations, and financial considerations. Additionally, your provider will conduct an oral examination to evaluate any structural concerns requiring attention.

Subsequently, a tailored treatment plan will be proposed. While some individuals may benefit from teeth straightening and whitening alone, others might opt for porcelain veneers or comprehensive full mouth reconstruction.

The Providers Credentials and Level of Expertise


For comprehensive smile design and enhancement, it’s important to seek out a cosmetic dentist or even a prosthodontist. These professionals undergo specialized training in techniques such as dental veneers, porcelain crowns, and teeth whitening, enabling them to optimize the appearance of your smile.

Additionally, they may collaborate with other dental specialists as needed. A periodontist specializes in gum tissue-related issues like uneven gum lines or gum disease, while an orthodontist addresses concerns such as crooked teeth and misaligned jaws. In complex cases, an oral surgeon may also be involved.

The level of experience and board certification of your chosen provider significantly influence their fees. Generally, providers with extensive experience and advanced training may command higher fees for their services.

The Provider’s Location

Patients residing in major metropolitan areas with high living costs typically incur greater expenses for cosmetic and restorative dental procedures. This phenomenon stems from the fact that providers in cities like New York City and Los Angeles face elevated rents and overhead expenses, which are subsequently passed on to patients.

Nevertheless, within these urban centers, competitive pricing may still be accessible due to the abundance of qualified providers. The sheer volume of practitioners often results in competition for patients, potentially driving down prices.

Given that a dental makeover represents a significant investment, it’s advisable to consult with multiple experienced providers. By doing so, you can compare their treatment plans and personalized price quotes before making a decision. This proactive approach ensures that you receive optimal care at a reasonable cost.

The Type of Anesthesia if Needed

The majority of gum and dental procedures can typically be handled using a blend of local anesthesia and oral sedation, both of which can be administered by your primary dental provider. This choice generally doesn’t result in a significant increase in your total expenses.

However, if you’re undergoing extensive treatment such as replacing multiple missing teeth with dental implants, you may require either general anesthesia or local anesthesia combined with IV sedation. Incorporating the expertise of an anesthesiologist or nurse anesthetist into your procedure could potentially add more than $1,000 to your overall bill.

Is a Smile Makeover Worth the Money?

Smile makeover treatments have garnered an impressive 93% Worth It Rating from patients who shared their experiences on RealSelf. So, a significant majority believe their investment was worthwhile.

Many individuals who expressed satisfaction with their dental makeover reported that their newfound smile had a profound positive impact on their confidence and overall quality of life. Speaking with your provider in the consultation helps create trust and transparency prior to the procedure.

Smile Makeover in Rockville Maryland

If you are interested in learning more about a smile makeover or scheduling a consultation, we are here to help. To learn more, please contact Hackley DDS today! We also proudly offer dental payment plans to help make dental care affordable for everyone.

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