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sleep apnea dental devices

Dental Appliances for Sleep Apnea: Do they work?

Is disruptive snoring keeping either you or your partner awake at night? It may be more than a mere inconvenience. Roughly 25% of men and almost 10% of women experience obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a significant sleep disorder marked by loud snores, grunts, and gasps. OSA occurs when the tissue at the back of the throat temporarily obstructs the airway, causing breathing pauses (apneas) during the night. This not only leads to fatigue but also poses risks for various health issues, including high blood pressure, depression, and heart disease.

The most extensively studied and effective treatment for OSA is positive airway pressure (PAP). This involves a small bedside machine that delivers air through a mask to prevent airway collapse. However, individuals with mild or moderate OSA may find PAP challenging and often seek alternatives. Dental devices, also known as oral appliances, present a viable option for some people.

Three Main Categories of Dental Devices for OSA

  • Mandibular advancement devices, crafted from molded hard plastic, securely snap over both your upper and lower teeth. Featuring metal hinges and adjustable screws, these devices can be tightened to push your lower jaw forward. While some dentists offer custom-made mandibular advancement devices, it’s important to ensure your dentist is experienced in sleep-related breathing disorders and certified by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine before opting for a custom device. Some non-certified dentists may simply take a mold of your teeth, send it to a manufacturer, and sell you the device at a considerable markup, sometimes exceeding $4,000. Moreover, if the device is intended for snoring, it’s unlikely to be covered by dental or medical insurance.


  • Mouth guards, akin to mandibular advancement devices, assist in repositioning the lower jaw, though to a lesser extent. Products like SnoreRx, recommended by some sleep physicians, are available online for less than $100. Rather than relying on a dentist’s impression of your teeth, SnoreRx employs the “boil and bite” method. You place the device in boiling water for a minute and then bite down on the softened plastic, allowing it to mold to your teeth.


  • Tongue-retaining devices, composed of a soft plastic splint encircling the tongue, work by holding it forward and preventing it from falling back into the mouth during the night. Despite their effectiveness, these devices can cause significant mouth dryness and discomfort.

Best Sleep Apnea Dentist in Rockville Maryland

If you are struggling with sleep apnea, we may be able to help. To learn more, please contact Hackley DDS today!

Your Baby’s First Dental Appointment

Each day, your little one achieves exciting new milestones, and their first dental visit is a noteworthy addition to the baby book!

It’s recommended for your child’s first dental appointment to occur after their first tooth comes in, but no later than their first birthday. Why so early? Well, as soon as your baby has teeth, the risk of cavities emerges. Taking a proactive approach to your child’s dental health and planning for the first dental visit now can contribute to maintaining a healthy smile throughout their life.

How to Prepare For Your Baby’s First Dental Appointment

Start early! To ready your child for their upcoming dental visit, engage in positive conversations with them about what to expect. Encourage your child to practice opening their mouth, helping them prepare for the dentist’s examination of their teeth. Additionally, incorporating books or videos about first dental visits can help alleviate fears and boost your child’s confidence.

Parents, too, can take proactive steps. When scheduling the appointment, consider requesting any necessary patient forms in advance. Completing these forms at home might be more convenient than doing so at the office on the day of your visit.

Don’t forget to compile a list of questions. If your child is experiencing teething, thumb-sucking, or excessive pacifier use, the dentist can provide valuable advice.

What to Expect During Baby’s First Dental Appointment

The dentist will conduct a thorough examination of your child to ensure proper development of their jaw and teeth. Throughout the visit, you’ll be comfortably seated in the dental chair with your child on your lap if they are unable or unwilling to sit alone in the chair. The dentist will carefully assess for any mouth injuries, cavities, or other dental issues. Once the examination is complete, the dentist will proceed to clean your child’s teeth and provide you with practical tips for daily care.

If your child sheds a few tears or fidgets during the examination, there’s no need for concern. It’s a common reaction, and the dental team understands that this is a new experience for your child.

Tips For a Great Visit

  • Avoid scheduling appointments during naptime; opt for a time when your child is typically well-rested and cooperative. 
  • Ensure your child has had a light meal and brushed their teeth before the appointment to prevent hunger during the visit. 
  • Save snacks for afterward to avoid any residue on your child’s teeth during the examination.
  • Approach the appointment as a positive and enjoyable experience. If your child becomes upset during the visit, work with your dentist to soothe them. Remember, you’re both on the same team!

 Baby’s First Dental Appointment in Maryland

If you’re desiring an experienced, versatile, and compassionate family dentist in Rockville, Maryland, Hackley DDS is the one for you. With 20+ years in the industry, our team can treat all your family’s dental needs.

From routine check-ups to dermal fillers, our qualified professionals are here to help. Book your family dentistry appointment today.