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Muscle Building

Muscle Building Evolve

The Evolve fat removal procedure is popular in its fat removal and muscle building capabilities.

Understanding Evolve

While many are already aware of the incredible fat reduction performed through the electromagnetic energy from Evolve, most are less educated about how this device is also able to build muscle in the treatment area.

How Evolve Tones Your Muscle

The fat removal performed through popular devices such as Evolve makes it wildly popular.

However, an area that is often overlooked when hoping to address body contouring concerns is in firming and toning the muscle.

Evolve was designed specifically to remove areas of unwanted body fat, while simultaneously developing the muscles under the skin.

In fact, in just one or more treatments, you will have results only accomplished through several thousand squats or sit-ups.

How Does It Work?

Evolve works through electromagnetic energy to contract your muscles in order to build new muscle, and tone the targeted area.

Popular Muscle Building Treatment Areas

Some of the most popular areas to tone through Evolve include the following:

  • Abs
  • Thighs
  • Butt
  • Triceps

Can Evolve Replace My Exercise Regimen?

Evolve should never replace your dedicated diet and exercise regimen.

Quite the contrary, this procedure was designed to serve as a complement along with your healthy routine for the best results.

Additional Benefits

Another area where Evolve excels is in its skin tightening capabilities.

This is popular for those who are concerned about areas with excess skin.

The Bottom Line

At the end of the day, Evolve is your one-stop contour shop.

Evolve blasts away fat, while building muscle and tightening the skin, making it a comprehensive treatment for optimal body contouring.

Evolve at Hackley DDS

If you are ready to take your body to the next level and want to learn more about Evolve, please call our office today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Rochelle E. Hackley.

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