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How Do You Know When to See an Emergency Dentist in Rockville, Maryland?

Emergency Dentist in Rockville

Emergency Dentist in Rockville, Maryland

If you’re having a dental emergency, you’re likely going to know that it’s urgent.

But, it’s important to know what a dental emergency is, as well as the signs to look for. Additionally, you’ll want to know where an emergency dentist in Rockville, Maryland is, whether you’re experiencing an emergency or not.

What Qualifies as a Dental Emergency?

A dental emergency is basically something that needs to be treated right away. Here are examples of a few common types:

  • Abscesses
  • Broken or missing fillings, broken, chipped and / or cracked teeth
  • Infections
  • Severe bleeding, pain, and / or swelling

If you’re experiencing any of the above, or have experienced something traumatic to your face or head such as a sports injury, contact your dentist immediately. Depending on what your emergency is you might need dental services such as a:

You’ll only know what you’ll need to alleviate your symptoms by scheduling a consultation appointment with a dentist offering emergency and urgent dental care.

How Do I Know I’m Having a Dental Emergency?

You’re likely going to know if you’re having a dental emergency. If you’ve had an injury, cracked a tooth, have severe tooth pain or increased severe sensitivity to chewing or hot or cold temperatures, you need to see a dentist.

While you wait for your emergency appointment, you can take OTC pain medication or use a dental anesthetic to help alleviate the pain.

Where Can I Find an Emergency Dentist in Rockville, Maryland Right Now?

If you’re in severe pain or have any of the problems listed above, you need to see an emergency dentist in Rockville, Maryland.

At Rochelle Hackley, DDS, LLC we’re here to help you during your time of need. Give us a call at 301-917-3964 to schedule an emergency appointment today.

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