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Tooth Extraction

Top Dentist for Oral Operations Near Rockville Maryland

Top Dentist for Oral Operations Near Rockville Maryland

If you need oral surgery, you want the top dentist for oral operation near Rockville Maryland. At Hackley DDS, our staff are skilled, knowledgeable, and ready to care for you. Whether you need extractions, bone grafts, or surgery, we are here for you. Here are some of the most common oral operations.

Who Needs Oral Surgery?

Oral operations may be needed for a number of reasons. Your dentist may recommend an oral operation is you have:

  • Severe tooth decay
  • Sleep apnea
  • Badly broken teeth
  • Bone loss in your jaw
  • Gum disease
  • Missing teeth
  • Temporomandibular join disorders
  • Oral cancer
  • Impacted teeth

Types of Oral Operations Near Rockville

There are several types of oral surgery procedures. Some of the most common include tooth extractions, dental bone grafts, dental implants, and periodontal surgery.

Tooth Extraction

This is the most common type of oral operation. Extraction is simply a tooth removal. This may be recommended for many reasons like decay, gum disease, dental trauma, or wisdom teeth complications. Sometimes extractions are done prior to other treatments like dentures or prosthetic devices.

Dental Implants

Top Dentist for Oral Operations Near Rockville Maryland

Next, we have dental implants. These are considered the most reliable and longest lasting teeth replacement options available. Dental implants involve surgically implanting small threaded posts into the jaw. Once that heals, a crown is placed on top.

Bone Grafts

Another common oral surgery is dental bone grafts. This is necessary when bone loss has occurred in the jaw. A graft restores volume and density in your jawbone so that dental implants can be placed.

Periodontal Surgery

When a patient has moderate to sever periodontitis, a gum specialist may recommend surgical treatment. During this procedure, the surgeon makes incisions along the gum line and the tissue is temporarily pulled back from the teeth. This allows the provider to clean your teeth roots and flush away plaque and bacteria that accumulate under the gums. Finally, the gum tissue is returned to its position and sutured into place.

Who Performs Oral Operation Near Rockville Maryland?

If you need oral surgery, you should schedule a consultation with Hackley DDS. Our board-certified dentist can perform a comprehensive evaluation and tailor a treatment plan to your needs. Contact Hackley DDS today to schedule a consultation.

Tooth Extraction Rockville

Tooth Extraction Rockville and What You Need to Know

Interested in getting a tooth extraction Rockville? This dental procedure involves removing a tooth from the socket. At Hackley DDS, we perform tooth extractions to treat periodontal disease, tooth decay, overcrowding, or emergencies.

The Process

Wondering what to expect during a tooth extraction Rockville? Dr. Hackley begins by carefully examining your entire mouth. Then, she numbs the area, so the extraction is painless.

Types of Tooth Extractions Rockville

There are two different kinds of removals – simple and surgical. If you can clearly locate the tooth in your mouth, simple extractions are done with local anesthesia. But if the tooth is hard to reach, surgical extractions are performed with general anesthesia.

Reasons for Tooth Extractions Rockville

At Hackley DDS, extracting teeth is a last resort. Here are some reasons why it might be necessary:

Periodontal Disease

Tooth Extraction Rockville

Removing teeth is an excellent solution for advanced periodontal disease. This gum disease worsens over time if treated improperly. And if your tooth starts to loosen, extracting it is the best option.

Severe Tooth Decay

If tooth decay progresses and reaches the root of your tooth, extraction is necessary to avoid infection. You could also get a root canal, depending on the severity.


Extractions create space, which might be necessary for braces or other orthodontic procedures.

Impacted Teeth

Wisdom teeth or other impacted teeth usually require extraction.

Mandatory After an Incident

Removal might be necessary if dental treatment can’t save the tooth. However, preservation is always our priority.

Preserving Smiles is Our Priority

As you can see, getting a tooth extraction Rockville is necessary for various reasons. However, we always try to avoid it if we can. At Hackley DDS, we prioritize crowns, bridges, bonding, and veneers before extractions.

Want to know if this procedure is right for you? Schedule an appointment with Dr. Hackley today!

Wisdom Tooth Extraction Rockville Maryland

Wisdom Tooth Extraction Rockville Maryland

Wisdom tooth extraction in Rockville is a common dental procedure aimed at removing the third set of molars located at the back of the mouth. These molars, also known as wisdom teeth, typically emerge in late adolescence or early adulthood. While some individuals may experience no issues with their wisdom teeth, many face complications due to the limited space in the jaw, leading to problems such as impaction, crowding, and misalignment. As a result, wisdom teeth extraction becomes necessary to prevent potential oral health complications and alleviate discomfort. 

Why Do You Need Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

You may need to have a wisdom tooth extraction procedure if:

  • Have one or more impacted wisdom teeth. (“Impacted” means partially or fully trapped in your gums or jawbone.)
  • Have wisdom teeth that grew crooked or sideways.
  • Develop pain near the back of your mouth.
  • Trap food and debris around your wisdom teeth.
  • Develop gum disease, particularly around your molars.
  • Have tooth decay (cavities) in a partially erupted wisdom tooth.
  • Develop a cyst (fluid-filled sac) around one or more wisdom teeth.
  • Have damage to nearby teeth or surrounding bone.

Most of the time, dentists will recommend wisdom teeth extraction as a preventative procedure, even if you don’t have any symptoms. This can help alleviate the risks of future problems, including tooth decay or infection. 

What Happens During Wisdom Tooth Extraction? wisdom teeth extraction rockville

During a wisdom tooth extraction, the dentist or oral surgeon will carefully remove one or more of the third molars from the patient’s mouth. The procedure typically involves the following steps:

  1. Anesthesia. Before starting the extraction, the patient will be administered anesthesia to ensure they do not feel any pain during the procedure. The type of anesthesia used can vary, ranging from local anesthesia to numb only the extraction site, to general anesthesia so that the patient will be unconscious during the procedure.
  2. Incision and Access. If the wisdom tooth has fully erupted and is visible in the mouth, the dentist may proceed with a simple extraction. They will use dental instruments to loosen the tooth from its socket and then carefully lift it out.
  3. Impacted Wisdom Teeth. In cases where the wisdom tooth has not fully emerged or is growing at an angle, a more complex surgical extraction may be necessary. The dentist will create an incision in the gum tissue to access the impacted tooth and may need to remove a small portion of the bone that covers the tooth.
  4. Tooth Removal. Using specialized dental instruments, the dentist will remove the wisdom tooth from its socket. In some cases, the tooth may need to be sectioned into smaller pieces for easier removal.
  5. Cleaning and Stitches. After the tooth is removed, the extraction site will be cleaned to remove any debris or remaining tooth fragments. If an incision was made, the dentist may place dissolvable stitches to help the gum tissue heal properly.
  6. Gauze Placement. Gauze pads will be placed over the extraction site to control bleeding and promote blood clot formation, which is crucial for proper healing.

The entire procedure lasts about an hour depending on how complex the procedure is.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction in Rockville Maryland 

Dental, Spa, and Cosmetic Surgery has a compassionate and knowledgeable team dedicated to providing the best dental care for you. If you are in need of wisdom tooth extraction, contact us today to schedule your consultation!

Rockville Cosmetic Dentist

Why You Should Visit a Rockville Cosmetic Dentist

When should you visit a Rockville cosmetic dentist? Cosmetic dentistry is a dynamic and transformative field within dentistry that focuses on enhancing the appearance of a person’s smile. Far beyond traditional dental care, cosmetic dentistry employs a range of specialized treatments and procedures to correct dental imperfections, improve the color, shape, size, and alignment of teeth, and create a confident and radiant smile.

A Rockville Cosmetic Dentist Can Remove Stains and Brighten Your Smile

One of the most common procedures a cosmetic dentist will perform is in-office teeth whitening. Over time, various factors such as consumption of colored foods and beverages, tobacco use, aging, and poor oral hygiene can cause teeth to become stained or discolored. Teeth whitening procedures utilize different techniques to remove these stains and discolorations, resulting in a brighter and more attractive smile. The results of this procedure can usually last for a year or more as long as the patient is practicing good oral hygiene.

Restore the Size, Shape, and Function of Damaged Teeth

Poor oral hygiene, trauma to the face, grinding teeth at night, and other various situations can cause damage to the teeth. Fortunately, there are effective cosmetic dental procedures that can help. These include dental veneers, crowns, fillings, teeth replacement and more.

For damaged or chipped teeth, dental bonding is a common cosmetic procedure where a tooth-colored resin material is applied and shaped to restore the tooth’s original form. Dental veneers, thin porcelain shells, are another option to cover and correct chipped or damaged teeth, providing a natural-looking and durable solution

In cases where a tooth is severely damaged or decayed, dental crowns can be employed to completely cover the affected tooth, restoring its size, shape, and function while providing protection and strength. Dental implants are also utilized to replace missing teeth, restoring both function and appearance by integrating a prosthetic tooth into the jawbone.

Cosmetic Dentistry Can Help Improve the Alignment of Teeth rockville cosmetic dentist

Cosmetic dentistry offers several effective methods to improve the alignment of teeth. This helps individuals achieve a straighter and more harmonious smile. These orthodontic devices apply gentle pressure on the teeth to gradually shift them into their desired positions. Providers often recommend braces and Invisalign for individuals with various alignment issues like crowded teeth, gaps, and malocclusions (misaligned bites). This type of procedure can help improve a patient’s smile and confidence.

Lengthen Teeth That are Too Short

Sometimes, people have naturally short teeth. Other times, grinding can cause weak or short teeth. There are several different procedures that can treat the issue including dental veneers and crowns. These procedures can not only help strengthen overall oral health but it can also make a patient’s smile more appeasing. 

Best Rockville Cosmetic Dentist Office

Dental, Spa, and Cosmetic Surgery has a compassionate and knowledgeable team dedicated to providing the best dental care for you. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.

sedation dentist maryland

Everything You Need to Know About Sedation Dentists

Dental anxiety and fear of pain have long been a significant reason as to why some individuals put off much-needed treatments and essential oral healthcare. However, with the development of sedation dentistry, these obstacles have been addressed. Sedation dentistry offers a safe and comfortable solution for patients of all ages. By using various levels of sedation, dentists are able to create a relaxed and calm environment. 

What is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry’s purpose is to help remove stress and pain for patients during oral procedures. There are three different types of sedation therapy: laughing gas, oral sedation, and IV sedation. Depending on your medical history, your provider should be able to find the one that best suits your needs. 

Laughing Gas sedation dentist rockville maryland

Laughing gas (also known as nitrous oxide) is safe for children and adults. The reason is because patients are both awake and aware during the procedure. When inhaled, laughing gas induces feelings of relaxation and euphoria, which is why it is often referred to as “laughing gas” because it can cause some patients to experience giggling or laughter. However, its main purpose is not to induce laughter but rather to create a sense of calmness and ease for the patient. One of the advantages of laughing gas is that its effects wear off quickly after the gas supply is stopped which allowing patients to recover rapidly and resume their daily activities without any lasting side effects.

Laughing gas is great for different kinds of procedures, from a teeth cleaning to a root canal. This is also fairly popular among pediatric dentists because it is a low risk sedation and typically allows children to relax and remain still during their procedures. 

Oral Sedation

Oral sedation involves medications in the form of pills or liquid. These are taken orally before the dental appointment. This option is particularly beneficial for patients undergoing longer or more complex dental procedures. When preparing for your appointment that uses oral sedation, you will need to fast several hours prior to your appointment. After your procedure, patients are usually still very drowsy so it is important to have someone that can drive you to and from your appointment. 

IV Sedation

If a patient’s anxiety and fear of pain is extremely high, IV sedation may be a choice to consider. The provider administers IV sedation directly into the bloodstream through a small needle. This allows for a more rapid and precise control of the sedative’s effects. This will also cause the patient to be unconscious for the entire procedure. 

During the procedure, your provider will closely monitor your vitals and make sure you are breathing properly with the use of an oxygen mask. This is so that you can feel safe and secure in the dentist’s chair throughout the entire process. 

Best Sedation Dentist in Maryland

Dental, Spa, and Cosmetic Surgery has a compassionate and knowledgeable team dedicated to providing the best dental care for you while making sure you feel safe and comfortable. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.

5 Benefits of Oral Surgery in Rockville

5 Benefits of Oral Surgery in Rockville

Oral surgery is something that a lot of people tend to dread or put off. However, technology has paved a path to make even oral surgery stress-free and comfortable. The benefits of oral surgery in Rockville can include both aesthetic and health benefits. Understanding the benefits of oral surgery can help negate the negative feelings.

What is Oral Surgery?

There are different types of oral surgery procedures, all done to improve overall dental and oral wellness. Oral surgery is any kind of surgical procedure that is done on the gums, teeth, jaw, and lips. Some of the most common oral surgeries include: 

oral surgery rockville

  • Tooth extraction
  • Jaw surgery
  • Dental bone grafting
  • Gum bone grafting
  • Obstructive sleep apnea treatment
  • Cleft palate and lip repair


Reasons for getting oral surgery may include:

  • Repair of severe tooth decay and root canal
  • Reconstructive surgery
  • Sleep apnea treatment
  • Treatment for TMJ disorder
  • Wisdom tooth removal
  • Impacted canines
  • Tooth replacement with dental implants

Best Oral Surgery in Rockville Maryland

When you look in the mirror or take photos, you deserve to have a smile you can feel proud of. Dr. Hackley and our knowledgeable and compassionate staff are dedicated to helping you create a smile you love. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

sedation dentistry rockville

The Ultimate Guide to Sedation Dentistry Rockville

Does your child have a fear of the dentist? Or do you avoid the dentist’s office like the plague? If so, sedation dentistry Rockville, Maryland might be the perfect solution. ease some of your anxiety. Used for everything from invasive procedures to routine cleanings, sedation dentistry is a great way to ease dental anxiety. Keep ready to learn whether it’s right for you.

What Is Sedation Dentistry? sedation dentistry rockville

As the name suggests, sedation dentistry uses medication to relax dental patients during their procedures. When it comes to dentistry, there are four levels of sedation that are used:

  • Minimal sedation. The patient is awake, yet relaxed.
  • Moderate sedation. The patient might slur their words, and they probably won’t remember much about the procedure.
  • Deep sedation. The patient is on the edge of consciousness, but they can be woken up if needed.
  • General anesthesia. The patient is completely unconscious.

Types of Sedation Used in Dentistry

Interested in getting sedation dentistry Rockville, Maryland? Your practitioner will likely use one of the following:

  • Inhaled minimal sedation. Essentially, this requires inhaling a combination of nitrous oxide (aka “laughing gas”) and oxygen.
  • Oral sedation. Depending on the dosage, this kind of sedation ranges from minimal to moderate. Most patients are given a pill called Halcion (which belongs to the same family as Valium), which is one of the most common forms of sedation dentistry.
  • IV moderate sedation. The patient receives the sedative drug through a vein.
  • Deep sedation/general anesthesia. Just like in surgical offices, general anesthesia administers medications that make the patient almost or totally unconscious.

Best Sedation Dentistry Rockville, Maryland

To summarize, sedation dentistry is ideal for patients who fear the dentist. Additionally, it’s great for people who have low pain thresholds, sensitive teeth, bad gag reflexes, or are unable to sit still for long periods of time.

If you’re looking for the best sedation dentistry in Rockville, Maryland, you’ve found it at Hackley DDS. Schedule a consult today.

top rockville dental center

Top Rockville Dental Center

Are you searching for a top Rockville dental center? Here at Hackley DDS and Dental Spa, we have the experience and knowledge to treat a wide range of dental issues, including smile makeovers. Here’s what you need to consider when choosing a top Rockville Dental Center.

What is a Rockville Dental Center?

A Rockville Dental Center is a place where a dentist performs oral health treatments, dental procedures, and more. They typically provide basic dental services like cleanings, checkups, fillings, and root canals. However, they may also provide additionally services like cosmetic treatments and emergency after-hours care.

Choosing a Dental Center in Rockville

Whether you are looking for a new dentist for routine cleanings and checkups or interested in more advanced treatments like smile makeovers or dental implants, its important to choose the right dental center for you. Here are some things to consider.

top rockville dental center

Back to Basics

Regular visits are a key component of oral health. So, it’s important to choose a dentist that fits with your schedule and location. Consider the following.

  • Is the office easy to get to from your job or home?
  • Are the office hours convenient?
  • Does the dentist accept your insurance?
  • Is the dentist a member of the ADA?


Schedule a consultation with the dentist before making your first appointment. We recommend making a list of questions to bring to your appointment. This is a good time to access the dentist’s communication and decide if you are comfortable. A few questions you may want to ask include:

  • Is the office staff familiar with your insurance plan?
  • Does the office offer financial options for treatment costs?
  • Will the dentist explain ways to help prevent dental health problems or provided health instructions?
  • How does the dentist handle emergencies after hours?

Services Offered

Here are Hackley DDS and Dental Spa, we offer a wide variety of dental services as well as cosmetic procedures. Some of these include:

We also offer many cosmetic procedures such as Botox, dermal fillers, body contouring, skin tightening, skin rejuvenation and much more in our spa.

Top Rockville Dental Center

We take oral health seriously. We aim to provide exceptional care to our patients using the latest technology and training, while enhancing your natural beauty. Contact Hackley DDS and Dental Spa and Dental Spa today to schedule an appointment.

dental implants

Dental Implants vs. Dental Bridges

Missing teeth have a significant impact on the appearance of your smile and the function of your mouth. Dental implants and dental bridges are the most common ways of correcting this. But how do you decide which one is right for you? Here are some things to consider.

What is a Dental Implant?

Many people don’t realize how complex the foundation of teeth is. The structure consists of bone, ligaments, and nerves. When it is removed, the neighboring area slowly deteriorates. Teeth can shift, causing misalignment and gaps between other teeth.

A dental implant is a way to replace this structure. The process of dental implants takes a few months. First, a titanium post is implanted. Then, new bone grows around the metal post and when the dentist decides that it is secure, a crow is added to the top and sealed in place.

Pros and Cons dental implant

The biggest advantage of dental implants is that it lessens the burden on surrounding teeth. Also, it promotes healing of bone structures and gums under the teeth. Dental implants tend to reduce long term risks to the jaw and a high-quality implant will last you a lifetime.

Unfortunately, dental implants can be an expensive treatment. Especially if there are multiple teeth that need to replace in different spots. This is because oral surgery is required to implant the metal post. Another disadvantage is that the process does take longer, since it depends on how quickly your body heals.

What is a Dental Bridge?

Essentially, a dental bridge attaches to the remaining healthy teeth and bridges the gap between. During this process, the two teeth on either side of the gap are shaved down and fitted with a cap and accompanied by the bridge. In some cases, dentists may use a winged, or Maryland bridge. This type of dental bridge is embedded into the neighboring teeth, rather than capping them.

Pros and Cons

The main advantage of dental bridges is that they are one of the most affordable methods for replacing a missing tooth or teeth. Additionally, they don’t require bone grafting, and this treatment is much faster than dental implants.

Unfortunately, dental bridges place greater strain on the surrounding structures, especially the two teeth that are attached to the bridge. So, dental bridges rarely last a lifetime. More importantly, bridges don’t address any problems with the underlying structure. So, long term issues may arise due to bone loss.

Dental Implants vs. Dental Bridges

If you are missing a tooth, or need an extraction, its important to decide if a dental implant or dental bridge is right for you. Let our team help. Contact Dr. Hackley DDS today to schedule an appointment.