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Can I Drink After Tooth Extraction, or Do I Need to Wait?

Can I Drink After Tooth Extraction

A tooth extraction is not much fun, even though this procedure can vastly improve your overall health when it’s necessary.

The discomfort that can come with this procedure may make people want to drink some alcohol in an effort to reduce the pain. Before uncorking that bottle, you should ask, “Can I drink after tooth extraction?”

Can I Drink After Tooth Extraction, or Should I Avoid Alcohol?

You should avoid alcohol for at least 72 hours after you get your dental procedure. This will help you heal faster and it will help you avoid complications.

Often, you may be in some amount of pain after your extraction, so your healthcare provider will provide you with medication. Mixing your meds with alcohol can be very harmful to your liver and brain.

A common risk of consuming alcohol after a tooth extraction is dry socket. Alcohol can dislodge the protective tissue that forms over an extraction site and this causes dry socket, which is extremely painful and can leave you exposed to bacteria.

Should I Avoid Anything Else After Tooth Extraction?

There are a few other things you should avoid after tooth extraction. Avoid certain types of food, including those that are difficult to chew or sticky.

You should also avoid drinking anything through a straw, as well as hot beverages. Additionally, avoid smoking as it is hazardous to the healing process (plus, it’s not good for your overall health anyway!)

Visit Rochelle Hackley, DDS, LLC if You Want a Good Tooth Extraction Process

Now that you know the answer to your question, “Can I drink after tooth extraction,” come to Rochelle Hackley, DDS, LLC.

Thanks to our highly-skilled and experienced dentists and team, we provide every patient with as comfortable an experience as possible.

Please give us a call at 301-917-3964 to make an appointment to see whether you need a tooth extraction or other dental care to save your smile before it’s too late!

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