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Restorative Dentistry

5 Benefits of Oral Surgery in Rockville

5 Benefits of Oral Surgery in Rockville

Oral surgery is something that a lot of people tend to dread or put off. However, technology has paved a path to make even oral surgery stress-free and comfortable. The benefits of oral surgery in Rockville can include both aesthetic and health benefits. Understanding the benefits of oral surgery can help negate the negative feelings.

What is Oral Surgery?

There are different types of oral surgery procedures, all done to improve overall dental and oral wellness. Oral surgery is any kind of surgical procedure that is done on the gums, teeth, jaw, and lips. Some of the most common oral surgeries include: 

oral surgery rockville

  • Tooth extraction
  • Jaw surgery
  • Dental bone grafting
  • Gum bone grafting
  • Obstructive sleep apnea treatment
  • Cleft palate and lip repair


Reasons for getting oral surgery may include:

  • Repair of severe tooth decay and root canal
  • Reconstructive surgery
  • Sleep apnea treatment
  • Treatment for TMJ disorder
  • Wisdom tooth removal
  • Impacted canines
  • Tooth replacement with dental implants

Best Oral Surgery in Rockville Maryland

When you look in the mirror or take photos, you deserve to have a smile you can feel proud of. Dr. Hackley and our knowledgeable and compassionate staff are dedicated to helping you create a smile you love. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

Cosmetic Dentistry in Maryland

Cosmetic Dentistry in Maryland

Cosmetic dentistry is dentistry that takes care of the general appearance of your teeth, gums, and/or bite. Cosmetic dentistry can give you a great smile if you have gaps between your teeth, your teeth are misshapen, misaligned, discolored, stained, chipped, broken, or worn. Through one or more cosmetic dentistry procedures, you can finally get the smile you have always wanted. 

Types of Cosmetic Surgery

There are several different kinds of cosmetic surgery that can help improve your smile. 

Teeth Whitening

One of the simplest ways to improve your smiles is teeth whitening. Firstly, your dentist will clean your teeth from any plaque or tartar that might have appeared on your teeth. Then he will use a bleaching or whitening solution on them. With teeth whitening, you can achieve shades that are lighter than your natural tooth color.

Dental Veneers cosmetic dentistry maryland

Dental veneers are thin shells that are custom-made of resin or porcelain and they cover the surface of the teeth. They bond to the front of the teeth after the dentist removes a small amount of enamel from your tooth. Veneers can change the size, color, shape, or length of your teeth. Also, they can fix issues like cracked enamel, crooked teeth, or a gap between the teeth. 

Dental Bonding

With dental bonding, a tooth-colored resin is applied to the tooth. Then, its solidified with a laser or ultraviolet light which bonds the material to the tooth. Then, the dentist trims, shapes, and polishes the tooth. Bonding can fix misshapen, chipped, cracked, or decayed teeth.

Dental Implants

Dental implants replace missing teeth. For this procedure, the provider surgically inserts a small screw into your jawbone. Once the screw has healed, it serves as a support for the implant’s crown. 

Dental Crowns

A dental crown fits over the entire damaged or decayed tooth above the gum line. They are made from metal, ceramic, ceramic-on-mental, porcelain-fused-to-metal, or resin. Crowns can cover severely discolored or misshapen teeth or to hold a cracked tooth together. 

Inlays and Onlays

Indirect fillings, also known as inlays and onlays, are made from composite materials, porcelain, or gold and fill damaged or decayed teeth. They are created in a dental laboratory and molded into place by your dentist. When the filling is bonded in the midpoint of the tooth it is called an “Inlay”, and when the filling includes one or more points of the tooth it is called an “onlay”. 

Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry

There are lots of different benefits of cosmetic dentistry besides an improved smile. 

  • Improved dental health – Other than improving your appearance, cosmetic dentistry helps you in preventing future dental problems. For instance, you can prevent damage to the gums and bone with dental implants and you can prevent your teeth from deterioration with dental crowns. Cosmetic dentistry alongside regular dental checkups and good oral hygiene will improve your overall dental health.
  • Improved diet – Having a missing or damaged tooth or having an uneven bite can cause difficulties in your ability to chew food. Cosmetic procedures like inlays and onlays will strengthen your bite, thus improving your chewing.
  • Improved finances – When you treat your teeth in time, you will prevent potentially bigger issues in the future that ask for more complex and expensive dental procedures. 
  • Improved self-confidence – A perfect smile will give you an enormous amount of self-confidence, which impacts every aspect of our lives like our professional careers and personal relationships. 

Cosmetic Dentistry in Maryland

Dr. Hackley and our knowledgeable and compassionate staff are dedicated to helping you create a smile you love. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

Should I Get Dental Implants Rockville, MD?

Should I Get Dental Implants Rockville, MD?

Do you have a missing tooth? Or several missing teeth? If so, getting dental implants Rockville, MD might be an ideal solution. Keep reading, and we’ll tell you why.

Reasons to Get Dental Implants

Dental implants are used to improve both the function and appearance of your mouth. And like natural teeth, they’re made of a crown and a root holding the tooth in place. At Hackley DDS, we recommend dental implants to anyone with loose or missing teeth due to tooth decay, root fractures, clenching or grinding, gum disease, or facial injuries. Additionally, dental implants are a terrific option for people born without teeth or a cleft lip.

Dental Implant Candidates

You’re eligible for dental implants Rockville, MD if you: dental implants rockville md

  • Are an adult
  • Don’t smoke
  • Have healthy gum tissues
  • Are in good overall health
  • Are an adolescent whose face and jawbone have finished growing (often around 16 years old for girls and 18 years old for boys)
  • Have enough bone in your jawbone to secure implants – or your jawbone can handle a bone graft

What Doctors Look For

Your doctor will help you understand whether you’re a good candidate for dental implants. Here are some of the things they look for:

  • Bone density. As you can probably imagine, your jawbone needs to be strong and sturdy enough to hold and bind with the base of the dental implant.
  • Healthy gums. Your gums need to be in good enough shape to support surgery.
  • Good overall health. Some dental implant surgeries require anesthesia, and anesthesia requires your being in good overall health.

Dental Implants Rockville, MD

If you’re considering getting dental implants Rockville, MD, Dr. Hackley and her team can help determine if this dental procedure is for you. Contact our team to set up a consultation.

Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures Rockville

Different Types of Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures Rockville

When you’re looking to improve your smile, there are many types of cosmetic dentistry procedures Rockville available for you to try. Keep reading to learn which one(s) is right for you.

Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures Rockville

Unsure which of the cosmetic dentistry procedures Rockville is right for you? Here’s a brief overview of the most common:

Cosmetic Teeth Whitening

Sometimes called “teeth bleaching,” cosmetic teeth whitening is exactly what it sounds like. Essentially, this procedure brightens and whitens teeth from discoloration and/or staining. And it can be done in a dental office (for optimal results) or at home (for less optimal results).

Cosmetic Dental Veneers

Veneers are thin shells made from porcelain or composite material. They’re custom-made and cemented to the teeth as a solution to crookedness, discoloration, chipped teeth, and the like.

Cosmetic Dental Crowns cosmetic dentistry procedures rockville

Crowns are designed to fit over the entire tooth. Generally, they’re made by fusing acrylic or porcelain with metal (doing so allows it to withstand biting pressure). Here at Hackley DDS, we use dental crowns to correct teeth that are misshapen, decayed, broken, chipped, or have had large fillings.

Cosmetic Dental Implants

Dental implants are metal devices used to replace missing teeth. Essentially, the titanium device is surgically placed into the jawbone. Therefore, it anchors artificial teeth if needed.

Cosmetic Tooth Bonding

Bonding is the process of securing tooth-colored materials to the teeth. As you can probably guess, it improves the appearance of teeth that have been badly stained, broken, or chipped.

Cosmetic Teeth Shaping

Cosmetic dentists reshape teeth by filling — or removing — the enamel. And contrary to how it sounds, this treatment isn’t at all painful.

Best Cosmetic Dentist in Rockville

Interested in any of these cosmetic dentistry procedures Rockville? Contact our team here at Hackley DDS to learn more about our cosmetic dentistry services and procedures.

Smile Makeover Rockville MD

Benefits of Smile Makeover Rockville MD

Have you ever heard of a smile makeover Rockville MD? Because it’s exactly what it sounds like. A smile makeover uses dental procedures to alter your smile to your liking. Keep reading, and our qualified professionals will tell you all about it.

What Does a Smile Makeover Fix?

Wondering if a smile makeover Rockville, Maryland is the right dental procedure for you? Stop by our office, and our dental professionals can help you decide. Generally, we provide smile makeovers for the following dental issues: smile makeover Rockville MD

  • Misaligned teeth
  • Uneven spacing
  • Misshapen teeth
  • Missing or broken teeth
  • Undesirable teeth length
  • Discolored, stained, or yellowing teeth
  • An uninspiring smile or unshapely face

What to Expect

During your smile makeover, your cosmetic dentist will curate a custom treatment plan based on your current oral health condition and goals. It’s important to remember that it isn’t one-size-fits-all when it comes to smile makeovers. Instead, Dr. Hackley and her team will work with you one-on-one to determine the best possible outcome for you.

Who is Eligible for a Smile Makeover

The eligibility for receiving a smile makeover is simple: you must a) have good oral hygiene and b) be unsatisfied with your current smile. Prior to treatment, your dentist will check your teeth, gums, bite, and supporting structures to ensure they’re healthy. And if any oral health issues arise, they must be treated beforehand.

Best Smile Makeover Rockville MD

Would you like a smile makeover Rockville, Maryland? Dr. Hackley and her team have given hundreds of people the smiles of their dreams. (And we would love to do the same for you.)

Hackley DDS offers a wide variety of treatments that include teeth whitening, veneers, crowns, bite correction, metal-free restorations, and more. If you’d like to see if we’re a good fit for you, stop by our office or contact our team today.

top rockville dental center

Top Rockville Dental Center

Are you searching for a top Rockville dental center? Here at Hackley DDS and Dental Spa, we have the experience and knowledge to treat a wide range of dental issues, including smile makeovers. Here’s what you need to consider when choosing a top Rockville Dental Center.

What is a Rockville Dental Center?

A Rockville Dental Center is a place where a dentist performs oral health treatments, dental procedures, and more. They typically provide basic dental services like cleanings, checkups, fillings, and root canals. However, they may also provide additionally services like cosmetic treatments and emergency after-hours care.

Choosing a Dental Center in Rockville

Whether you are looking for a new dentist for routine cleanings and checkups or interested in more advanced treatments like smile makeovers or dental implants, its important to choose the right dental center for you. Here are some things to consider.

top rockville dental center

Back to Basics

Regular visits are a key component of oral health. So, it’s important to choose a dentist that fits with your schedule and location. Consider the following.

  • Is the office easy to get to from your job or home?
  • Are the office hours convenient?
  • Does the dentist accept your insurance?
  • Is the dentist a member of the ADA?


Schedule a consultation with the dentist before making your first appointment. We recommend making a list of questions to bring to your appointment. This is a good time to access the dentist’s communication and decide if you are comfortable. A few questions you may want to ask include:

  • Is the office staff familiar with your insurance plan?
  • Does the office offer financial options for treatment costs?
  • Will the dentist explain ways to help prevent dental health problems or provided health instructions?
  • How does the dentist handle emergencies after hours?

Services Offered

Here are Hackley DDS and Dental Spa, we offer a wide variety of dental services as well as cosmetic procedures. Some of these include:

We also offer many cosmetic procedures such as Botox, dermal fillers, body contouring, skin tightening, skin rejuvenation and much more in our spa.

Top Rockville Dental Center

We take oral health seriously. We aim to provide exceptional care to our patients using the latest technology and training, while enhancing your natural beauty. Contact Hackley DDS and Dental Spa and Dental Spa today to schedule an appointment.

root canal specialist rockville

Top Root Canal Specialist in Rockville

If you’ve ever suffered from a severe toothache, then you know how frustrating and painful it can be. However, a root canal specialist (aka endodontist) can diagnose and treat your pain. If you’re looking for a root canal specialist in Rockville, Hackley DDS is among the best in the industry. Keep reading to learn how we can serve you.

What Is an Endodontist?

Endodontists are highly trained dental specialists who solve and treat complex toothaches and problems. Most of the time, toothaches occur because of problems within the tooth pulp (aka the inside of the teeth). Therefore, endodontists use advanced technologies and procedures (like root canals, for example) to treat them.

What Do They Treat?

root canal specialist Rockville

Usually, people see a root canal specialist for problems affecting the tooth’s pulp (the interior) or root tissues. This can include (but is not limited to) the following:

  • Tooth decay
  •  Abscessed tooth
  • Tooth injuries
  • Cracked teeth

What is a Root Canal?

Root canals are a common treatment for diseased or injured pulp tissue. Essentially, it involves removing the inflamed or infected tissue, and the tooth pain goes away as a result. Root canals also get rid of any bacteria that could potentially cause further damage.

Other Treatments

As we mentioned, endodontists diagnose and treat complex causes of tooth pain. However, they also try and salvage your natural tooth whenever possible. In addition to providing root canals, they perform the following dental surgeries:

Best Root Canal Specialist in Rockville, Maryland

If you have tooth pain in Rockville, Hackley DDS can help. Specializing in both cosmetic and general dentistry, we’re able to provide a variety of treatment options. Contact our team today, and we’ll help you determine the right procedure for you.

cosmetic dentist rockville

5 Reasons See a Cosmetic Dentist Rockville

If you find yourself avoiding smiles because of the way your teeth look, its time to see a cosmetic dentist in Rockville. Cosmetic dentistry is beneficial for many people, and while it does give your smile a better appearance, it goes beyond that. Your oral health is important to your overall health and quality of life. We believe you deserve the best, so here are the top five reasons to see a cosmetic dentist in Rockville.

Understanding Cosmetic Dentistry

A cosmetic dentist is a dentist who focuses on the appearance of your smile. They can correct imperfections and improve your smile. Cosmetic dental procedures include things like porcelain veneers, crowns, teeth whitening and more.

Discolored Teeth

Over time, teeth can become discolored. This is particularly true for people who regularly consume coffee or red wine. Other factors that can lead to stained teeth include poor oral hygiene and habits like smoking.

However, your dentist may be able to perform a professional tooth whitening treatment. This treatment is safe and effective, as well as customized to your needs.

Chipped or Cracked Teeth

cosmetic dentist rockville

Chips and cracks are more than just unsightly. They can cause pain and discomfort, and if left untreated they can lead to more serious problems like cavities and gum disease. Fortunately, there are solutions.

A common solution for chipped teeth is bonding. This involves using composite material to rebuild the tooth and restore its functionality. Another option is a dental crown, which covers the entire tooth. On the other hand, your dentist may recommend porcelain veneers. These are custom-made shells that can completely restore your smile.

Missing Teeth

Missing teeth can cause the rest of your teeth to shift. This can create new gaps or cause your teeth to become crooked. To correct this, your provider may recommend a dental bridge or dental implant. A dental bridge “bridges the gap” between your teeth while a dental implant is a replacement tooth that is implanted into the jaw bone.

Cosmetic Dentist for Chronic Headaches

When teeth are misaligned, it can cause tension and pain in your jaw and head. Temporomandibular pain is caused by issues with your jaw or bite. This condition makes your muscles work harder to bring your teeth together. As a result, you may experience pain in the jaw, aching around the ear, or chronic headaches. However, with treatment, you could see significant improvement in your symptoms.

Insecure Smile

If your smile is letting your down, then its time to see a cosmetic dentist in Rockville. Cosmetic issues can have a serious impact on your self-esteem and confidence.

Cosmetic Dentist in Rockville

Don’t let your smile hold you back anywhere. Get the beautiful, functional smile you deserve and get ready to say cheese for all the photos! Contact Dr. Hackley and her team today to schedule a consultation.

dental implants

Dental Implants vs. Dental Bridges

Missing teeth have a significant impact on the appearance of your smile and the function of your mouth. Dental implants and dental bridges are the most common ways of correcting this. But how do you decide which one is right for you? Here are some things to consider.

What is a Dental Implant?

Many people don’t realize how complex the foundation of teeth is. The structure consists of bone, ligaments, and nerves. When it is removed, the neighboring area slowly deteriorates. Teeth can shift, causing misalignment and gaps between other teeth.

A dental implant is a way to replace this structure. The process of dental implants takes a few months. First, a titanium post is implanted. Then, new bone grows around the metal post and when the dentist decides that it is secure, a crow is added to the top and sealed in place.

Pros and Cons dental implant

The biggest advantage of dental implants is that it lessens the burden on surrounding teeth. Also, it promotes healing of bone structures and gums under the teeth. Dental implants tend to reduce long term risks to the jaw and a high-quality implant will last you a lifetime.

Unfortunately, dental implants can be an expensive treatment. Especially if there are multiple teeth that need to replace in different spots. This is because oral surgery is required to implant the metal post. Another disadvantage is that the process does take longer, since it depends on how quickly your body heals.

What is a Dental Bridge?

Essentially, a dental bridge attaches to the remaining healthy teeth and bridges the gap between. During this process, the two teeth on either side of the gap are shaved down and fitted with a cap and accompanied by the bridge. In some cases, dentists may use a winged, or Maryland bridge. This type of dental bridge is embedded into the neighboring teeth, rather than capping them.

Pros and Cons

The main advantage of dental bridges is that they are one of the most affordable methods for replacing a missing tooth or teeth. Additionally, they don’t require bone grafting, and this treatment is much faster than dental implants.

Unfortunately, dental bridges place greater strain on the surrounding structures, especially the two teeth that are attached to the bridge. So, dental bridges rarely last a lifetime. More importantly, bridges don’t address any problems with the underlying structure. So, long term issues may arise due to bone loss.

Dental Implants vs. Dental Bridges

If you are missing a tooth, or need an extraction, its important to decide if a dental implant or dental bridge is right for you. Let our team help. Contact Dr. Hackley DDS today to schedule an appointment.

benefits of capped teeth

Top 5 Benefits of Capped Teeth

Capped teeth, or dental crowns, are an effective way to repair an injured tooth. Dental crowns help avoid the extraction of a severely damaged or decayed tooth. Dr. Hackley and team offer dental crowns to repair damaged teeth and restore a functional, healthy, and beautiful smile. Here are the top 5 benefits of capped teeth.

Simple Procedure

Restorative dental treatment may sound complex, or intense but dental crowns are a minimally invasive and fairly simple procedure. First, the dentist removes any damaged tissue and cleans the tooth. Then a crown is designed for the tooth. Once it is cast, it sent to the lab to be made.

Meanwhile, Dr. Hackley places a temporary crown. This allows you to eat and function normally while the permanent crown is being made. Once the permanent crown is ready, it is placed over the tooth and becomes a permanent part of your smile.

Relieves Discomfort

Capped teeth are used to repair enamel or structural damage to the teeth. The problems often cause the tooth to become sensitive to temperature or pressure. Once the underlying issue is resolved, the cap is placed to protect the remaining tooth. This protects the tooth and reduces discomfort and sensitivity.

Customized Treatment

Dental crowns are designed to match the shape, size, and hue of your existing tooth. Our office offers different materials to fit everyone’s needs and budget.

Restore Your Smile benefits of capped teeth

Capped teeth are primarily designed to restore injured or damaged teeth. However, they are commonly used in cosmetic dentistry. Since crowns fit over your existing tooth, they instantly correct discoloration, chips, cracks, fractures, and misshapen teeth. In some cases, dental crowns are used to create the aesthetic appearance a patient desires.

Long-Lasting Results

Dental crowns are made from durable materials that are designed to last a long time while standing up to the trauma of biting, chewing, and grinding food. With proper oral hygiene and regular dental care, your crowns can last upwards of 30 years.

Capped Teeth Smile Restoration in Virginia

Patients in need of restorative dentistry, or cosmetic dentistry, can benefit greatly from dental crowns. To learn more, please contact Dr. Hackley, DDS, LLC today.