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When Do I Need a Root Canal Specialist in Rockville, Maryland?

When Do I Need a Root Canal Specialist in Rockville, Maryland?

A root canal is not necessarily an experience that most people look forward to. However, with a good specialist, the experience does not need to be as bad as you think.

But, when exactly do you need a root canal specialist in Rockville, Maryland for urgent dental care? Here is how you can tell if you’re one of the estimated 41,000 people who need a root canal daily in the US.

When Should I Find a Root Canal Specialist in Rockville, Maryland?

A root canal is necessary when the soft tissue, or pulp, inside the root canal of a tooth is infected or inflamed. This can happen after your tooth is chipped or broken. By getting a root canal, you can prevent the formation of an abscess or other potential complications.

How Can I Recognise Symptoms?

There are a few symptoms that can indicate that you may be in need of a root canal. These include tooth pain, sensitivity to heat or cold, tooth discoloration, swelling of the gums, and tenderness while chewing. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should contact a root canal specialist immediately.

In some cases, you may not feel any symptoms at all. This is why it is important for you to go to checkups with your dentist twice a year. They may be able to determine your needs, even if you do not experience symptoms.

Get Amazing Care From Our Root Canal Specialists in Rockville

If you are in need of a root canal specialist in Rockville, Maryland, visit Rochelle E. Hackley, D.D.S. LLC. & Dental Spa. We are very experienced with root canals and many other dental procedures.

To make your appointment with us today, contact us at 301-917-3964, and put an end to the suffering with a comfortable experience here at Hackley Dental!

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