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Thinking of Getting Dental Implants: How Long Do They Last?

Thinking of Getting Dental Implants: How Long Do They Last?

Having missing teeth may make it difficult to eat, speak, and affect your self-esteem. Dental implants are an excellent solution for replacing missing teeth.

But how long do these implants last?

With good hygiene and care, it can last for a lifetime.

However, various factors determine the duration of these implants.

Let’s understand more.

Dental Implant Components

To understand the life expectancy of a dental implant, it’s crucial to understand the mechanism on which they work:

  • Implant: It’s a titanium post that attaches to your jawbone.
  • Abutment: It attaches to the implant and holds the crown in place.
  • Crown: It’s a ceramic tooth that’s attached to the abutment. A crown is responsible for the natural appearance of the implant.

The crown and exposed abutment are most susceptible to damage than the actual implant.

How Long Can An Implant Last?

A dental implant can last for a lifetime if you maintain good oral hygiene through brushing and flossing. It also helps to have regular dental check-ups and professional cleaning.

However, a crown lasts 10 to 15 years, and the tooth might need replacement.

The location of the implant also plays an essential role in its longevity. Implants in the back of your mouth wear out more from regular chewing. This can cause these implants to fail earlier than those in the front.

Factors Responsible for The Longevity of Implants

Certain factors can compromise implants earlier than expected.

People with health conditions, such as diabetes or cancer, are at a higher risk of their implant failing.

Besides, poor oral hygiene can result in gum disorders, which can make a dental implant fail.

Considering Dental Implants?

If you feel that implants can help improve the quality of your life, you need to find a trusted Rockville dentist to perform implant surgery. In our conveniently located Rockville dental office, Dr. Hackley and our staff are highly qualified professionals well-versed in the latest developments in the field.

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