Urgent Dental Care in Rockville
A dental emergency requires immediate care. That’s why we offer urgent dental care in Rockville. Most of these injuries can be serious and lead to further damage if they aren’t treated in a timely manner. Here’s what qualifies as a dental emergency and where to find the best urgent dental care in Rockville.
When to See an Emergency Dentist
A dental emergency is any dental problem that requires immediate attention and care. Not all dental issues are emergencies. If you have pain that won’t go away with medication, bleeding that won’t stop, or broken teeth you need urgent dental care. The following are examples of dental emergencies.
Severe Toothache
One of the most common reasons for a trip to the emergency dentist is a severe toothache. Persistent pain is considered a dental emergency. If you are experiencing pain that doesn’t improve with medication, you need to see an urgent care dentist as soon as possible.
Knocked Out Tooth
Another dental emergency is a knocked out tooth. Accidents happen and sometimes that involves teeth. If you lose a tooth, don’t touch the root. Retrieve it by the crown and rinse is gently with water. If possible, put it back in the socket. In cases where that’s not possible, place it in a small container of milk and see your dentist ASAP. If it is returned to its socket within an hour, there is a greater chance of saving the tooth.
Cracked Tooth
For a badly cracked tooth, save and rinse any broken pieces of the tooth. Apply a cold compress to the outside of the cheek, lip, or mouth near your broken tooth to help with pain and swelling. See your dentist as soon as possible.
Dental Abscess
Finally, dental abscesses need immediate care. Dental abscesses are swollen areas or pimple-like infections around the root of a tooth or between your teeth and gums. This is a serious condition that can damage tissue and surrounding teeth. If it is left untreated, it can cause swelling of the face and jaw or potentially spread to other areas of the body. If you suspect a dental abscess, see your dentist immediately.
Urgent Dental Care in Rockville
If you are experiencing a dental emergency, we are here to help. Please contact Hackley DDS immediately to speak to a specialist. Call (301) 917-3964 between the hours of 9 am and 1 pm or text our emergency line at (301) 602-6068 any time after 1 pm.