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Tag: orthodontics

how much does invisalign cost

How Much Does Invisalign Cost?

If you’re unsatisfied with your smile, then you might consider getting Invisalign. This metal-free teeth alignment method is a terrific alternative to braces. However, how much does Invisalign cost? And how do you know if it’s the right procedure for you?

If you’re asking yourself those kinds of questions, Rockville’s leading Invisalign specialist can help. Today’s blog post is covering the ins and outs of Invisalign pricing. Stay tuned!

So, How Much Does Invisalign Cost?

how much does invisalign cost virginia

Well, aren’t we glad you asked! The answer to the question of ‘how much does Invisalign cost’ depends on the complexity of the case and the length of treatment. On average, here is what to expect:

  • Very mild to mild cases cost anywhere from $1,200 to $2,000
  • Mild to moderate cases cost $3,000 to $5,000
  • Moderate to severe cases cost $4,500 to $8,000
  • Growing children require Invisalign aligners costing anywhere from $3,000 to $4,500.

Factors to Consider

So, how much does Invisalign cost? Here are some factors to consider:

  • Case specifics. If only a few of your teeth need correcting, your Invisalign treatment will be more affordable than those with complex alignment issues.
  • Dentist experience. The cost of Invisalign aligners is fairly consistent across practices. If your dentist is providing treatment at a significantly discounted rate, they’re probably inexperienced.
  • Patient consistency. The results of Invisalign are dependent upon the patient’s compliance. If you don’t wear your aligners as directed (20-22 hours per day), you’ll have a longer treatment (aka higher cost).

Best Invisalign Specialist in Rockville, Maryland

If you’re interested in straightening your teeth and perfecting your smile, Invisalign is a fantastic option. And if you’re looking for an Invisalign specialist in Rockville, Maryland, Dr. Hackley is the best in the industry.

Combining years of experience with the latest advances in technology, we’re confident in our ability to provide the smile of your dreams. Book your appointment today.

cosmetic dentistry for crowded teeth

Cosmetic Dentistry for Crowded Teeth

If you want to fix your smile but don’t know where to start, we can help. Cosmetic dentistry for crowded teeth offers many options for improving your smile. Furthermore, there are benefits to addressing crowded teeth. Here’s what you need to know.

Crowded Teeth

One of the most obvious problems caused by crowded teeth is the aesthetic. Many people with crowded, crooked, or rotated teeth suffer from insecurities regarding their smile. While this is a legitimate concern for many, there are also health benefits to treating crowded teeth.

Every day, a biofilm layer builds up on the surface of your teeth. If it isn’t removed, it hardens and forms tartar. This tartar contains bacteria that digest the sugars in the food you eat. They excrete acid, which leads to dental decay. To prevent this, its crucial to brush and floss daily. However, cleaning crooked teeth can be difficult.

Braces for Crowded Teeth cosmetic dentistry for crowded teeth

Braces, or orthodontics, are one of the preferred options for treating crooked and crowded teeth. Dentists prefer this method because it maintains the tooth’s natural structure as much as possible. Essentially, braces use constant pressure in the correct direction to move teeth in the desired position. Springs can rotate crowded teeth by pushing on one side and pulling on the other.

Alternatives to Braces

There are a few treatment options that don’t use orthodontics to correct crowded teeth. These include:

  • Cosmetic Recontouring. Reshaping and recontouring teeth to make them more attractive.
  • Dental Bonding.  The dentist applies a small amount of tooth colored resin to the surface of the tooth to build the tooth up and correct alignment. Dental bonding treats minor crowding.
  • Dental Veneers. Veneers can address slight crowding. In the same way as dental bonding, veneers can build the tooth forwards in alignment.
  • Dental Crowns. Crowns cover severely damaged or decayed teeth.  The provider makes the crown in any shape, position or color, making this a completely customizable treatment option.

Best Cosmetic Dentistry for Crowded Teeth

If your crowded teeth are holding you back,  it’s time to speak to your dentist. Don’t let crowded teeth impact your confidence or your oral health. Contact Dr. Hackley and team today to learn more.