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Do I Need 24/7 Dentistry Near Rockville?

Do I Need 24/7 Dentistry Near Rockville?

Do I Need 24/7 Dentistry Near Rockville for My Toothache, or Can It Wait Til Tomorrow?

Almost everyone has experienced tooth pain. But, have you ever had a dental emergency? If so, you know how excruciatingly painful and potentially dangerous it can be.

So, when is it so much of an emergency that you need a visit for 24/7 dentistry near Rockville?

What Common Dental Emergencies Require Urgent or Emergency Care?

There are many different types of dental emergencies. Some can wait a day to several days, others need immediate attention from a practice offering 24/7 dentistry near Rockville. Usually you can tell when it’s an emergency by the severity of symptoms. Here are a few common dental emergencies that require immediate care:

  • Abscess
  • Broken crown
  • Exposed nerves
  • Lost filling
  • Missing or knocked-out tooth
  • Object lodged in teeth and/or gums
  • Severe tooth pain
  • Swollen gums, jaw, or other oral structures

When Should I Go to the Emergency Dentist, and When Can It Wait?

Visiting the emergency dentist is extremely important when you need it. However, sometimes it can wait a day or two before your appointment. That’s usually the case when you only have minor tooth pain.

It’s always best to call your dentist, explain what’s going on, and see what they think. However, if your dentist isn’t available or you are experiencing severe pain, bleeding, swelling, knocked-out teeth, or exposed nerve endings, you should visit a 24/7 dentist immediately.

What’s the Best Practice Offering 24/7 Dentistry Near Rockville?

If you’re experiencing a dental emergency, don’t hesitate to get immediate care to help save your smile! At Rochelle Hackley, DDS, LLC, we offer emergency and urgent dental care for your oral health.

Please contact us by phone between 9am and 1pm at 301-917-3964, or text our emergency line after 1pm at 301-602-6068.

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