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General Dentistry

5 Tips for Choosing a Black Dentist Near Me

Selecting a new dentist can arise from various situations, such as relocation, insurance concerns, or dissatisfaction with your current dental care. Regardless of the reason, finding a new dentist can feel overwhelming. Ease the process with these five tips for a straightforward and stress-free search.

Understand Your Dental Plan

Your selection of a dentist may be influenced by your dental health plan. For instance, a closed-network plan may restrict you to an in-network dentist. With a PPO plan, you have the option to choose an out-of-network dentist, although you typically enjoy greater savings with an in-network provider.

Ask Others for Recommendations

Seek recommendations from family, friends, neighbors, or colleagues about their positive experiences with their dentists. Additionally, consider asking your physician for a referral. You may also request a list of local dentists affiliated with professional associations, such as the American Dental Association, Academy of General Dentistry.

Factor in Accessibility

Determine whether you prefer a dentist near your workplace or residence. Evaluate your flexibility in scheduling appointments and assess the importance of Saturday office hours. If you have uncertainties, feel free to contact the practice directly to inquire about specific details.

Ask Questions

Once you’ve compiled a list of potential dentists, reach out to their offices via phone or email to address any lingering questions. Feel free to inquire about essential matters and eliminate practices that don’t align with your preferences.

Evaluate the Dentist After Your First Visit

During your initial visit, assess the cleanliness and organization of the office. Observe the courtesy of the staff and how they handle your confidential medical and dental history. Consider the office’s child-friendliness.

After leaving, reflect on these questions: Was the office location and schedule convenient? Would you feel at ease posing questions to this dentist? Can you trust their recommendations or referrals?

Choosing a Black Dentist Near Me

Your oral health is essential, and finding the right dentist can make all the difference. For some people, having a black dentist near me is important. Hackley DDS has a compassionate and knowledgeable team dedicated to providing the best dental care for you. If you are interested in learning more about Dr. Rochelle Hackley, contact us today to schedule your consultation!

Cost of Root Canal Rockville

Cost of Root Canal Rockville

Root canals save teeth by fighting infected nerves and treating deep infections. If you’re curious about the cost of root canal in Rockville, you’re in the right place. Today’s article covers what they are, how much they cost, and whether they’re right for you.

What is a Root Canal Rockville

During a root canal, a general dentist (or endodontist) removes inflamed or infected pulp on the inside of the tooth. Afterward, it’s carefully cleaned and filled; you’ll be on your way that same day! While the amount of anesthesia depends on the severity of each case, most patients only require local anesthesia depending on severity.

Who Needs a Root Canal

Your dentist may suggest a root canal if your tooth is severely damaged and has a diseased or dead nerve. Some common signs you may need one include toothaches, sensitivity to hot and cold, and swollen gums.

What is the Cost of Root Canal Rockville

Cost of Root Canal Rockville

The cost of a root canal in Rockville varies based on the specific case. With insurance, the charge is typically $500 to $1,000. And depending on your policy, your copayment is a fixed amount or a percentage of the total price.

Generally, root canals cost more without dental insurance. While the final price depends on the extent of the procedure, the average cost of a root canal without insurance is anywhere from $600 to $1,600.

Note that the further back in the mouth, the pricier the root canal gets. Therefore, molars usually cost more than front teeth!

The Best Place to get Root Canal in Rockville

So, what is the cost of a root canal Rockville? We hope today’s article gave you an answer. If you’re experiencing tooth pain, it’s crucial to see a dentist to determine if a root canal is necessary. Ignoring a tooth infection can lead to complications in other parts of the body, as dental and general health are closely related.

Luckily, Dr. Hackley and her team are experts in oral surgeries. Contact our team to discover the best plan for you!

Tooth Extraction Rockville

Tooth Extraction Rockville and What You Need to Know

Interested in getting a tooth extraction Rockville? This dental procedure involves removing a tooth from the socket. At Hackley DDS, we perform tooth extractions to treat periodontal disease, tooth decay, overcrowding, or emergencies.

The Process

Wondering what to expect during a tooth extraction Rockville? Dr. Hackley begins by carefully examining your entire mouth. Then, she numbs the area, so the extraction is painless.

Types of Tooth Extractions Rockville

There are two different kinds of removals – simple and surgical. If you can clearly locate the tooth in your mouth, simple extractions are done with local anesthesia. But if the tooth is hard to reach, surgical extractions are performed with general anesthesia.

Reasons for Tooth Extractions Rockville

At Hackley DDS, extracting teeth is a last resort. Here are some reasons why it might be necessary:

Periodontal Disease

Tooth Extraction Rockville

Removing teeth is an excellent solution for advanced periodontal disease. This gum disease worsens over time if treated improperly. And if your tooth starts to loosen, extracting it is the best option.

Severe Tooth Decay

If tooth decay progresses and reaches the root of your tooth, extraction is necessary to avoid infection. You could also get a root canal, depending on the severity.


Extractions create space, which might be necessary for braces or other orthodontic procedures.

Impacted Teeth

Wisdom teeth or other impacted teeth usually require extraction.

Mandatory After an Incident

Removal might be necessary if dental treatment can’t save the tooth. However, preservation is always our priority.

Preserving Smiles is Our Priority

As you can see, getting a tooth extraction Rockville is necessary for various reasons. However, we always try to avoid it if we can. At Hackley DDS, we prioritize crowns, bridges, bonding, and veneers before extractions.

Want to know if this procedure is right for you? Schedule an appointment with Dr. Hackley today!

Dentures in Rockville

Is It Time for Dentures in Rockville? Embrace the Benefits!

Did you know that the American College of Prosthodontists estimates that 90 percent of all people who have no teeth wear dentures. Dentures have long been a reliable and popular solution for restoring smiles and improving oral health. These custom-made prosthetic devices offer numerous advantages to individuals who have lost some or all of their natural teeth. If you’re considering options to replace missing teeth, read on to learn about dentures and our dentures services in Rockville.

Restored Chewing Function

One of the most significant benefits of dentures is the restoration of chewing function. Missing teeth can make it challenging to bite and chew properly, leading to difficulty in eating certain foods. Dentures enable you to enjoy a more varied and nutritious diet, promoting better digestion and overall health.

Enhanced Speech

Missing teeth can affect speech clarity, causing speech impediments and a lack of confidence when speaking. Dentures fill in the gaps, helping to improve pronunciation and restoring your ability to communicate clearly and comfortably.

Improved Aesthetics

Dentures not only replace missing teeth but also enhance the aesthetics of your smile. A complete set of dentures can give you a natural-looking smile, boosting your self-esteem and allowing you to smile confidently in social and professional settings.

Prevents Shifting of Teeth

When there are gaps in your smile due to missing teeth, the surrounding teeth may gradually shift and move into the empty spaces. This can lead to misalignment and bite problems. Dentures help maintain the proper alignment of remaining teeth, preventing potential dental issues in the future.

Facial Support and Youthful Appearance dentures rockville

Losing teeth can lead to a sunken appearance in the face, making you appear older than your actual age. Dentures provide support to the facial muscles, helping to restore a more youthful and fuller appearance to your cheeks and lips.

Cost-Effective Solution

Compared to some other tooth replacement options, dentures are a more cost-effective solution. They offer an affordable way to regain oral function and aesthetics without breaking the bank.

Customizable and Comfortable

Dentures are custom-made to fit your mouth comfortably. With advances in dental technology and materials, modern dentures are designed to be more natural-looking, lightweight, and well-fitted, reducing the likelihood of discomfort or slipping.

Easy Maintenance

Caring for dentures is relatively simple. Regular cleaning and proper maintenance can help prolong their lifespan and keep them looking and functioning at their best.


Dentures are versatile and can be tailored to suit different degrees of tooth loss. Whether you need partial dentures to replace a few missing teeth or complete dentures for full tooth replacement, this option can accommodate your specific needs.

Where to Get Dentures in Rockville

Dentures offer a host of benefits, from restoring oral function and aesthetics to promoting better speech and overall confidence. If you’re considering tooth replacement options, dentures provide a time-tested and effective solution to help you regain your smile and improve your quality of life. Contact our Rockville office today to explore the possibilities of dentures and find the best fit for your dental needs and lifestyle.


Wisdom Tooth Extraction Rockville Maryland

Wisdom Tooth Extraction Rockville Maryland

Wisdom tooth extraction in Rockville is a common dental procedure aimed at removing the third set of molars located at the back of the mouth. These molars, also known as wisdom teeth, typically emerge in late adolescence or early adulthood. While some individuals may experience no issues with their wisdom teeth, many face complications due to the limited space in the jaw, leading to problems such as impaction, crowding, and misalignment. As a result, wisdom teeth extraction becomes necessary to prevent potential oral health complications and alleviate discomfort. 

Why Do You Need Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

You may need to have a wisdom tooth extraction procedure if:

  • Have one or more impacted wisdom teeth. (“Impacted” means partially or fully trapped in your gums or jawbone.)
  • Have wisdom teeth that grew crooked or sideways.
  • Develop pain near the back of your mouth.
  • Trap food and debris around your wisdom teeth.
  • Develop gum disease, particularly around your molars.
  • Have tooth decay (cavities) in a partially erupted wisdom tooth.
  • Develop a cyst (fluid-filled sac) around one or more wisdom teeth.
  • Have damage to nearby teeth or surrounding bone.

Most of the time, dentists will recommend wisdom teeth extraction as a preventative procedure, even if you don’t have any symptoms. This can help alleviate the risks of future problems, including tooth decay or infection. 

What Happens During Wisdom Tooth Extraction? wisdom teeth extraction rockville

During a wisdom tooth extraction, the dentist or oral surgeon will carefully remove one or more of the third molars from the patient’s mouth. The procedure typically involves the following steps:

  1. Anesthesia. Before starting the extraction, the patient will be administered anesthesia to ensure they do not feel any pain during the procedure. The type of anesthesia used can vary, ranging from local anesthesia to numb only the extraction site, to general anesthesia so that the patient will be unconscious during the procedure.
  2. Incision and Access. If the wisdom tooth has fully erupted and is visible in the mouth, the dentist may proceed with a simple extraction. They will use dental instruments to loosen the tooth from its socket and then carefully lift it out.
  3. Impacted Wisdom Teeth. In cases where the wisdom tooth has not fully emerged or is growing at an angle, a more complex surgical extraction may be necessary. The dentist will create an incision in the gum tissue to access the impacted tooth and may need to remove a small portion of the bone that covers the tooth.
  4. Tooth Removal. Using specialized dental instruments, the dentist will remove the wisdom tooth from its socket. In some cases, the tooth may need to be sectioned into smaller pieces for easier removal.
  5. Cleaning and Stitches. After the tooth is removed, the extraction site will be cleaned to remove any debris or remaining tooth fragments. If an incision was made, the dentist may place dissolvable stitches to help the gum tissue heal properly.
  6. Gauze Placement. Gauze pads will be placed over the extraction site to control bleeding and promote blood clot formation, which is crucial for proper healing.

The entire procedure lasts about an hour depending on how complex the procedure is.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction in Rockville Maryland 

Dental, Spa, and Cosmetic Surgery has a compassionate and knowledgeable team dedicated to providing the best dental care for you. If you are in need of wisdom tooth extraction, contact us today to schedule your consultation!

Rockville Cosmetic Dentist

Why You Should Visit a Rockville Cosmetic Dentist

When should you visit a Rockville cosmetic dentist? Cosmetic dentistry is a dynamic and transformative field within dentistry that focuses on enhancing the appearance of a person’s smile. Far beyond traditional dental care, cosmetic dentistry employs a range of specialized treatments and procedures to correct dental imperfections, improve the color, shape, size, and alignment of teeth, and create a confident and radiant smile.

A Rockville Cosmetic Dentist Can Remove Stains and Brighten Your Smile

One of the most common procedures a cosmetic dentist will perform is in-office teeth whitening. Over time, various factors such as consumption of colored foods and beverages, tobacco use, aging, and poor oral hygiene can cause teeth to become stained or discolored. Teeth whitening procedures utilize different techniques to remove these stains and discolorations, resulting in a brighter and more attractive smile. The results of this procedure can usually last for a year or more as long as the patient is practicing good oral hygiene.

Restore the Size, Shape, and Function of Damaged Teeth

Poor oral hygiene, trauma to the face, grinding teeth at night, and other various situations can cause damage to the teeth. Fortunately, there are effective cosmetic dental procedures that can help. These include dental veneers, crowns, fillings, teeth replacement and more.

For damaged or chipped teeth, dental bonding is a common cosmetic procedure where a tooth-colored resin material is applied and shaped to restore the tooth’s original form. Dental veneers, thin porcelain shells, are another option to cover and correct chipped or damaged teeth, providing a natural-looking and durable solution

In cases where a tooth is severely damaged or decayed, dental crowns can be employed to completely cover the affected tooth, restoring its size, shape, and function while providing protection and strength. Dental implants are also utilized to replace missing teeth, restoring both function and appearance by integrating a prosthetic tooth into the jawbone.

Cosmetic Dentistry Can Help Improve the Alignment of Teeth rockville cosmetic dentist

Cosmetic dentistry offers several effective methods to improve the alignment of teeth. This helps individuals achieve a straighter and more harmonious smile. These orthodontic devices apply gentle pressure on the teeth to gradually shift them into their desired positions. Providers often recommend braces and Invisalign for individuals with various alignment issues like crowded teeth, gaps, and malocclusions (misaligned bites). This type of procedure can help improve a patient’s smile and confidence.

Lengthen Teeth That are Too Short

Sometimes, people have naturally short teeth. Other times, grinding can cause weak or short teeth. There are several different procedures that can treat the issue including dental veneers and crowns. These procedures can not only help strengthen overall oral health but it can also make a patient’s smile more appeasing. 

Best Rockville Cosmetic Dentist Office

Dental, Spa, and Cosmetic Surgery has a compassionate and knowledgeable team dedicated to providing the best dental care for you. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.

sedation dentist maryland

Everything You Need to Know About Sedation Dentists

Dental anxiety and fear of pain have long been a significant reason as to why some individuals put off much-needed treatments and essential oral healthcare. However, with the development of sedation dentistry, these obstacles have been addressed. Sedation dentistry offers a safe and comfortable solution for patients of all ages. By using various levels of sedation, dentists are able to create a relaxed and calm environment. 

What is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry’s purpose is to help remove stress and pain for patients during oral procedures. There are three different types of sedation therapy: laughing gas, oral sedation, and IV sedation. Depending on your medical history, your provider should be able to find the one that best suits your needs. 

Laughing Gas sedation dentist rockville maryland

Laughing gas (also known as nitrous oxide) is safe for children and adults. The reason is because patients are both awake and aware during the procedure. When inhaled, laughing gas induces feelings of relaxation and euphoria, which is why it is often referred to as “laughing gas” because it can cause some patients to experience giggling or laughter. However, its main purpose is not to induce laughter but rather to create a sense of calmness and ease for the patient. One of the advantages of laughing gas is that its effects wear off quickly after the gas supply is stopped which allowing patients to recover rapidly and resume their daily activities without any lasting side effects.

Laughing gas is great for different kinds of procedures, from a teeth cleaning to a root canal. This is also fairly popular among pediatric dentists because it is a low risk sedation and typically allows children to relax and remain still during their procedures. 

Oral Sedation

Oral sedation involves medications in the form of pills or liquid. These are taken orally before the dental appointment. This option is particularly beneficial for patients undergoing longer or more complex dental procedures. When preparing for your appointment that uses oral sedation, you will need to fast several hours prior to your appointment. After your procedure, patients are usually still very drowsy so it is important to have someone that can drive you to and from your appointment. 

IV Sedation

If a patient’s anxiety and fear of pain is extremely high, IV sedation may be a choice to consider. The provider administers IV sedation directly into the bloodstream through a small needle. This allows for a more rapid and precise control of the sedative’s effects. This will also cause the patient to be unconscious for the entire procedure. 

During the procedure, your provider will closely monitor your vitals and make sure you are breathing properly with the use of an oxygen mask. This is so that you can feel safe and secure in the dentist’s chair throughout the entire process. 

Best Sedation Dentist in Maryland

Dental, Spa, and Cosmetic Surgery has a compassionate and knowledgeable team dedicated to providing the best dental care for you while making sure you feel safe and comfortable. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.

Dental Bridges Rockville

Benefits of Dental Bridges Rockville Maryland

A healthy and complete smile is not only visually appealing but also essential for optimal oral health and overall well-being. However, when one or more teeth are missing, it can significantly impact both the look and functionality of your smile. This is where dental bridges come into play, offering a reliable and effective solution to bridge the gap caused by missing teeth. Dental bridges in Rockville are custom-made prosthetic devices that literally “bridge” the empty space between natural teeth. This creates a seamless and natural-looking smile. There are several different benefits of dental bridges.

Dental Bridges Can Restore Your Smile

Dental bridges offer a wonderful solution to restoring your smile and helping you regain your confidence. Whether you have one missing tooth or several gabs, dental bridges are designed to fill those spaces, giving you a complete and natural-looking set of teeth. Dental bridges can have a major impact on your self-esteem. Having a restored smile can make you feel more confident and comfortable in social and professional settings. With dental bridges, you can reclaim your smile.

Improved Chewing

Dental bridges play a crucial role in improving chewing functionality for individuals with missing teeth. When teeth are lost, it can lead to difficulties in properly biting and chewing food or even pain. Dental bridges act as a replacement for missing teeth by spanning the gap between adjacent healthy teeth. By restoring the missing teeth, bridges provide stability and support for chewing, which enables individuals to bite and chew their food more effectively. With a dental bridge in place, the pressure of chewing is evenly distributed across the bridge and neighboring teeth, allowing for a more balanced and efficient chewing process. 

Dental Bridges Can Improve Speaking benefits of dental bridges Rockville Maryland

Dental bridges can help improve speaking abilities for individuals with missing teeth. When teeth are absent, it can affect speech clarity and pronunciation, leading to difficulties in enunciating certain sounds and words or even create an involuntary lisp. Dental bridges allow individuals to regain control over their speech, eliminating any slurring or mumbling that may have been caused by tooth loss. 

Maintain Your Face’s Natural Shape

Another benefit of dental bridges is that they can help maintain your face’s natural shape. When individuals have teeth missing, your jawbone can start to deteriorate which can lead to a sunken or collapsed appearance in the surrounding facial structures. By filling in the gaps with dental bridges, the bridge can provide support and stability to the jawbone and facial muscles. 

Dental Bridges Prevent Teeth From Shifting

When a tooth is lost, the neighboring teeth may start to shift and move into the empty space. This can cause misalignment and bite problems. Dental bridges help fill the gap left by the missing tooth, anchoring to the adjacent healthy teeth on either side. They also help maintain the proper spacing and alignment of the surrounding teeth, which keeps them from shifting out of position. This stability provided by the bridge helps preserve the integrity of the dental arch, ensuring that the remaining teeth maintain their natural position. If teeth start to shift, they can become loose which will cause further tooth loss over time. 

Best Dental Bridges in Rockville Maryland

Dental, Spa, and Cosmetic Surgery has a compassionate and knowledgeable team dedicated to providing the best dental care for you. If you are in need of dental bridges, contact us today to schedule your consultation!

Root Canal Specialist Rockville

Root Canal Specialist Rockville

Root canals have long been surrounded by myths and misconceptions, often giving dental patients anxiety and fear. However, there’s no need to fret! In the capable hands of a root canal specialist in Rockville, you have nothing to worry about. These dental professionals possess the knowledge, experience, and expertise to save your smile and alleviate your dental woes.

What is a Root Canal Specialist?

A root canal specialist is a dental professional who specializes in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases and conditions that affect the tooth pulp and the surrounding tissues of the teeth. Much like the roots of a tree, the root of the tooth is the part that is below your gums and holds your tooth in place. While general dentists are trained in a wide range of dental procedures, root canal specialists undergo additional years of advanced education and clinical training specifically focused on endodontics. A root canal specialist is going to focus on relieving any tooth and mouth pain while also trying to save your natural tooth whenever they can. 

What Does a Root Canal Specialist Do?

Root canal specialists are highly skilled in performing root canal therapy. This procedure involves removing the infected or damaged dental pulp from the inner part of the tooth, known as the root canal, and sealing it to prevent further infection. They are experts in utilizing advanced techniques and specialized tools to ensure the efficient and effective treatment of root canal infections.

What Kind of Training Does a Root Canal Specialist Receive?

Dental school takes about four years to complete. Once a dentist finishes school, a root canal specialist receives at least two more years of focused dental training. During this time, they study various techniques to diagnose and treat tooth pain that affects tissues and roots inside your teeth. 

Common Reasons to See a Root Canal Specialist Rockville Maryland root canal specialist rockville

Because Root Canal Specialists focus mainly on fixing damaged tooth pulp or roots, the following are common causes for these issues:

  • Tooth decay: this destruction of a tooth is caused by poor teeth and gum care. You may need to see a root canal specialist if a cavity that goes untreated damages your tooth’s root tissue. Tooth decay can cause inflammation (pulpitis), infection in the pulp tissue, or even death (necrosis).
  • Tooth injuries: Trauma affecting your tooth (such as from a hard fall or accident).
  • Tooth abscess: An abscess happens when bacteria gets inside your tooth or gums and causes a buildup of pus. 
  • Cracked tooth: Damage to your tooth to the point that there is an opening for bacteria to get inside.

What Kind of Procedures Does a Root Canal Specialist Do? 

Root canal specialist can perform a variety of procedures including: 

  • Root canal: This procedure will remove damaged or infected tooth pulp and then reseals the tooth to prevent infection.
  • Endodontic retreatment: If a root canal didn’t heal properly, this procedure removes and replaces materials.
  • Endodontic surgery: This is any specialized surgery, such as apicoectomy (the removal of the end, or tip, of a tooth’s root).
  • Emergency dental surgery: This procedure could extend from repairing difficult dental injuries to severe tooth infections.
  • Tooth extraction (removal) surgery: Pulling a tooth because there’s too much tissue damage for a provider to save it.
  • Dental implant surgery: Surgical placement of a dental implant. A specialist can use an implant to restore the function of your teeth and repair the appearance after you’ve had or have a tooth removed. 

Root canal specialists are still dentists. So, they can perform the same common procedures such as cleanings, whitenings, crowns, and veneers. 

When Should You Call a Root Canal Specialist?

It is important to call a dental provider you trust any time you have tooth pain that doesn’t go away or gets worse. Waiting could cause further damage and put you at higher risk of not being able to save the natural tooth. 

You may need a root canal specialist if you have

  • Tooth pain that doesn’t go away
  • Unexplained mouth or jaw pain
  • Sensitivity to cold, hot or sweet foods
  • The area around the affected tooth and gums is inflamed

Seek immediate treatment if you have an abscess, you’ve had a tooth injury or there are signs of infection like fever, difficulty breathing or swallowing, or redness or swelling in your mouth.

Root Canal Specialists in Rockville Maryland

Dental, Spa, and Cosmetic Surgery has a compassionate and knowledgeable team dedicated to providing the best dental care for you. If you are experiencing tooth pain or sensitivity, contact us today to schedule your consultation!

Invisalign Specialist Rockville

Why Choose an Invisalign Specialist Rockville

Invisalign has been changing the game in the orthodontist world for quite some time now. An Invisalign specialist in Rockville can help you understand all the advantages of Invisalign vs traditional braces.  This article will discuss everything you need to know about Invisalign.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a revolutionary transparent aligners system that uses a series of custom-made aligners to straighten your teeth. It is a great option for people who want to improve their smile without having to wear traditional braces. Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible, so you can wear them comfortably and discreetly while you go about your daily life. They are also removable, so you can eat, drink, and brush your teeth as usual.

What Are The Benefits of Invisalign?

Wearing Invisalign aligners can offer the following benefits:

  • Straighter teeth
  • No brackets or wires
  • Fewer teeth crowding
  • Fewer gaps
  • Easy brushing and flossing
  • No adjustment appointments
  • Freedom to eat what you want
  • More self-confidence
  • Clearer speech
  • A better quality of life

What Problems Can Invisalign Help With? invisalign specialist rockville

Invisalign can help with a variety of problems, including:

  • Aligning teeth that are crooked or crowded
  • Closing gaps between teeth
  • Fixing overbites and underbites
  • Rotating misaligned teeth
  • Leveling teeth that are uneven

Is Invisalign Right For Me?

During your consultation, you and your Invisalign specialist will discuss your desired outcome. Your provider will also review your medical and dental history and will also examine your teeth and gums. Determining whether Invisalign is right for you really depends on your comfort and finances. Luckily, Invisalign is covered by most insurances.

How Do I Take Care of My Aligners?

The best way to take care of your aligners is to make sure you are keeping them clean to avoid bacteria, staining, and plaque buildup. Brush your aligners after meals with a soft toothbrush and toothpaste. To prevent damage, avoid hot water. Brush your teeth and floss before putting your aligners back in as well. By following these tips, you can help ensure that your Invisalign aligners last as long as possible and that you get the best possible results from your treatment.

Invisalign Specialists in Rockville

Invisalign is a great choice for people of all ages, and it is often covered by insurance. If you are interested in learning more about Invisalign. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!