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Should I See a Botox Dentist Near Me?

botox dentist near me

Should I see a Botox dentist near me? It might sound a bit sketchy, but it’s entirely safe. Botox is the most popular minimally invasive cosmetic procedure, and has been since 2019. Along with its anti-aging uses, Botox has several uses in the medical field, including dentistry. Here’s how you can benefit from a Botox dentist near me.

How Botox Works

Botox is a neurotoxin that interrupts the messages your brain sends to muscles. In this way, Botox prevents muscles from getting the message to move. Essentially, it temporarily paralyzes the muscles.

Additionally, the neurotoxin inhibits the release of acetylcholine (ACH). This chemical regulates glandular secretions like sweat and saliva. So, Botox can be used to help with dental problems associated with excessive drooling, or with medical conditions like hyperhidrosis. Furthermore, Botox pairs well with other injectables like dermal fillers.

Botox in Dentistry

There are several dental problems that are caused by overactive muscles. These include:

botox dentist near me

  • Masseter hypertrophy
  • Bruxism, or teeth grinding
  • Temporomandibular disorders
  • Excessive clenching of the jaw

Botox can treat these conditions, as well as conditions not related to the muscle. Such as:

  • Deep nasolabial folds (folds of skin on either side of the mouth)
  • High lip line, AKA gummy smile
  • Radial lip lines, or smokers’ lines/lipstick lines
  • Changes in the way dentures fit due to shifting jaw muscles
  • The black triangles between teeth created by the gums pulling away from the teeth

Truthfully, Botox has a long history of medical use. While it first began as a treatment for crossed eyes and abnormal muscle spasms of the eyelids, today Botox is FDA approved for several medical therapies.

Is a Botox Dentist Safe?

Yes, dentists can administer Botox safely. All dentists who offer Botox undergo extensive training and learn how to use it. Additionally, dentists already have a deep understanding of the facial muscles and nerves which makes them even more well equipped to handle to your Botox.

Top Botox Dentist Near Me

If you are ready to learn more about how Botox can improve your dental health, or you just want address those fine lines and wrinkles, please contact Dr. Hackley and team today.

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