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Tag: botox

Best Botox Dentist in Bethesda

Best Botox Dentist in Bethesda

Can dentists really administer Botox? YES! And you may find that choosing a Botox dentist in Bethesda a very logical choice. Here’s why you should consider it and where to find the best Botox dentist in Bethesda.

What is Botox?

Most people have at least heard the name Botox before. Botox is a brand of botulinum toxin. It is an FDA approved injectable treatment for lines and wrinkles. This injection also has many medical uses like treating chronic migraines, excessive sweating, and more.

Botox is used to improve the appearance of:

  • Forehead lines
  • Crow’s feet
  • Lines around the lips
  • Wrinkles between the eyebrows
  • Subtly lift the eyebrows
  • Nose creases
  • Much more

Why Choose a Botox Dentist?

Best Botox Dentist in Bethesda

Even if it sounds strange, there are many reasons why dentists make excellent Botox injectors. Here are a few of the reasons why dentists are the most qualified and sought-after.

They have extensive training in facial anatomy. Few other professionals understand the bone structure, nerves, and muscles. This is valuable information when it comes to finding the perfect injection areas, for both safety reasons and the best results.

Since dentists are licensed medical professionals, most people already trust them.

Dentists, like surgeons, need steady hands and precision. This is also a requirement of a great Botox injector.

Botox has dental applications. It can be used to improve the appearance of gummy smiles or treat Bruxism and TMJ.

Dentists are already skilled injectors from their training and experience administering local anesthetics and other medications. Injecting Botox is just another application of this skill.

Cosmetic dentists have extensive experience considering aesthetic facial proportions. Their knowledge and understanding of facial anatomy along with this aesthetic sense makes them a perfect choice for Botox injector.

 Busting the Botox Myth- Botox Dentist in Bethesda

Many people associate Botox with the stiff and frozen looking face that’s often portrayed in Hollywood. While this does happen sometimes, it’s rare. Especially when you are using a skilled professional Botox injector.

A Botox dentist in Bethesda can help you with aesthetic goals or treat pain and tension in the jaw. Dr. Hackley is a skilled Botox injector. Her deep understanding of facial anatomy paired with her eye for facial balance and harmony make her an excellent choice. Contact Hackley DDS to learn more.

Botox for Masseters in Rockville

Botox for Masseters in Rockville

Botox for masseters in Rockville can transform your jawline and have significant impacts on oral health. If you experience teeth grinding, jaw clenching, or Bruxism, Botox for masseters in Rockville can help. Here’s how.

What is The Masseter Muscle

Botox for Masseters in Rockville

The masseter muscle is a thick, powerful muscle located at the back of the jaw. It stretches from the jawbone up to the cheekbone. This is one of the strongest muscles in the human body relative to its size.

The primary function of the masseter muscle is to move he jaw up and down during chewing. However, it also plays an important role in the shape of your face. Masseters work together with other muscles to elevate and close the mandible, and action essential to biting, clenching, and maintaining stability of the jaw.

The end result is that these muscles have a significant say in your overall facial aesthetic. They contribute to the shape and contour of the lower face, particularly the jawline. Well developed masseters can create a strong, defined appearance (think Henry Cavil). However, an overly prominent masseter can give a square-shaped, or chubby looking jawline.

Masseter Botox in Rockville and Bethesda

Masseter Botox is a non-surgical solution. This treatment involves injecting Botox into the masseter muscles. As with traditional Botox treatments, masseter Botox relaxes the overactive jaw muscles. This creates a slimmer, more angular face structure. It also reduces the tension and discomfort that overactive masseters cause.

Benefits of Masseter Botox

There are several benefits of masseter Botox in Rockville. First, you get relief from the symptoms of Bruxism. This involuntary clenching causes jaw pain, headaches, and damage to your teeth. Botox can alleviate these symptoms.

In addition to eliminating the symptoms of Bruxism, masseter Botox also reduces facial tension and pain associated with stress. Relaxing these muscles help relieve excess stress and tension, reducing facial pain and discomfort. Masseter Botox has also shown effectiveness in resolving pain associated with temporomandibular disorders.

Another great benefit is enhanced facial aesthetics. This treatment can create a more defined and slimmer jawline, resulting in a more attractive look. Additionally, Botox for masseters works wonderfully in conjunction with treatments like dermal fillers to improve the overall balance and harmony of your face.

Botox for Masseters in Rockville

If you are ready to alleviate pain or sculpt your jawline, it’s time to consider masseter Botox. Contact Hackley DDS today to learn more about this treatment and find out if it’s right for you. Dr. Hackley is a skilled injector with an eye for aesthetics and a deep understanding of facial anatomy. She can help you with your facial aesthetic goals.

Cost of Botox in Rockville Maryland

Cost of Botox in Rockville Maryland: What to Expect

If you’re considering Botox or other skin rejuvenating treatments in Maryland, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of the pricing dynamics. The cost of Botox can vary, and it’s influenced by several key factors that are specific to the Maryland area. Read this blog to learn what you can expect when it comes to cost of Botox in Rockville, MD.


Botox prices in Maryland can vary significantly based on where you seek treatment. Practices in major cities like Baltimore may charge more due to higher rents and overhead costs, while smaller towns or suburban areas could offer more competitive rates. If you’re willing to explore different locations within Maryland, you may find cost variations that fit your budget.

Injector’s Expertise and Reputation

cost of botox rockville maryland

The experience and credentials of your injector are paramount in determining the cost of Botox in Maryland. Board-certified dermatologists, facial plastic surgeons, and seasoned providers often charge more per Botox unit compared to less specialized practitioners. While cost savings may be enticing, choosing an injector with a trusted reputation minimizes risks and ensures optimal results

Number of Units Required

The quantity of Botox units needed for your treatment depends on various factors, including muscle strength, the size of the treatment area, and your desired outcome. In Maryland, Botox is typically priced per unit, with costs ranging from $10 to $15 per unit. During a consultation with your chosen provider, they will evaluate your unique needs and formulate a personalized treatment plan. This will help you determine the number of units required and the associated cost.

Genuine Botox Assurance

When seeking cost-effective Botox in Rockville MD, it’s crucial to remain vigilant. Some providers may offer suspiciously low prices using counterfeit or substandard products. To ensure your safety and the authenticity of your treatment, verify that your Botox is genuine by looking for specific Allergan holographic markings and an intact seal on the packaging.

To make Botox more accessible, many practices in Maryland offer payment plans and accept financing options.

Cost of Botox in Rockville Maryland

In conclusion, while Botox prices in Rockville MD can vary, understanding the factors that influence cost is crucial for making an informed decision. By prioritizing the expertise of your injector, exploring different locations, and taking advantage of special offers and rewards programs, you can find a Botox treatment plan that suits your needs and budget.

When seeking trusted Botox treatments in Maryland, you’ll want to consider practices like Rochelle Hackley, DDS, LLC, known for their commitment to excellence and patient-focused care. With a strong reputation in the field, Rochelle Hackley, DDS, LLC offers a safe and experienced environment for individuals looking to enhance their appearance with Botox and other dermal fillers.

Contact our office at (301) 917-3964 today to learn more about cosmetic procedures at Rochelle Hackley, DDS, LLC in Rockville MD.

Premier Medical Spa in Rockville

Premier Medical Spa in Rockville, MD

In the bustling city of Rockville, Maryland, a hidden gem awaits those seeking the perfect blend of medical expertise and spa-like relaxation. Rochelle Hackley, DDS, LLC, is not your ordinary medical spa; it’s a haven where cutting-edge treatments and therapies are seamlessly combined with a serene, rejuvenating ambiance. Let’s explore the world of medical spas and see why Rochelle Hackley, DDS, LLC, stands out as a top destination for all your wellness and aesthetic needs.

The Evolution of Medical Spas

Medical spas, often referred to as medi-spas or medspas, have revolutionized the beauty and wellness industry. These establishments aim to bridge the gap between medical procedures typically performed in a doctor’s office and the serene experience of a day spa. They have a particular focus on anti-aging treatments, offering non-surgical solutions that were once exclusive to medical practices. While some jurisdictions require medical spas to be overseen by qualified physicians, they provide a holistic approach to enhancing your well-being.

Available Treatments

Medical Spa in Rockville

Rochelle Hackley, DDS, LLC, offers a comprehensive array of treatments designed to address various skin concerns and promote overall wellness. These treatments include:

  • Injectables: Whether you’re looking to smooth fine lines, reduce wrinkles, or enhance facial volume, injectables such as Botox, Dysport, Xeomin, Jeuveau and other dermal fillers provide effective solutions. Dr. Rochelle Hackley and her team are experts in administering these treatments, ensuring natural and beautiful results.
  • IPL Photofacial: Combat the effects of sun damage with IPL photofacial This non-invasive procedure effectively treats brown spots, hyperpigmentation, redness, and more, leaving your skin with a youthful and radiant glow.
  • RF Microneedling: RF microneedling combines collagen-stimulating treatments to improve skin tone and texture. It’s an excellent choice for addressing issues like stretch marks, acne scars, and fine lines.
  • Fractional Lasers: These lasers are versatile in treating various skin concerns, including fine lines, hyperpigmentation, and acne scars. Rochelle Hackley, DDS, LLC, employs state-of-the-art fractional lasers to deliver outstanding results.
  • Body Sculpting: Body sculpting is a transformative experience that helps you achieve the sculpted and toned appearance you desire. Dr. Rochelle Hackley and her team offer a range of advanced body contouring procedures. From non-invasive treatments like CoolSculpting to skin tightening, they provide personalized solutions to meet your specific aesthetic goals.

Experience the Top Medical Spa in Rockville

As the medical spa in Rockville industry continues to grow, it’s essential to choose a trusted provider with the expertise to meet your unique needs. Rochelle Hackley, DDS, LLC, sets itself apart by offering a wide range of treatments and a dedicated team of professionals. The focus here is on comprehensive medical and wellness care, with an emphasis on preventive medicine, beauty treatments, and more.

Discover the exceptional offerings of Rochelle Hackley, DDS, LLC, and start your journey to rejuvenate your body and spirit. Contact us today at (301) 917-3964 to schedule your consultation. Experience the best of both the medical and spa worlds right here in Rockville, MD.

non-surgical facelift rockville

Non-Surgical Facelift in Rockville: Unlocking the Fountain of Youth

What is a Non-Surgical Facelift Rockville? Aging is a natural and beautiful part of life, but it’s understandable that many individuals seek ways to maintain a youthful appearance as the years go by. While surgical facelifts have long been a popular choice for turning back the clock, they come with risks, downtime, and a considerable financial investment. Thankfully, advancements in cosmetic procedures have paved the way for non-surgical facelifts, offering a safer, more affordable, and minimally invasive alternative to achieve a rejuvenated look. In fact, in 2020, providers performed more than 13 million of these types of procedures. Keep reading to learn more about non-surgical facelifts in Rockville!

What Do Non-Surgical Facelifts Treat?

Many people wonder what, exactly, non-surgical facelifts treat. The answer?

They target common signs of aging that affect the face. Read along as we discuss the various conditions we treat at our Rockville clinic.

  • Fine Lines and Wrinkles. Over time, the skin loses elasticity, resulting in the formation of fine lines and wrinkles, particularly around the eyes, mouth, and forehead.
  • Sagging Skin. As collagen production declines with age, the skin may begin to sag, leading to a loss of definition along the jawline and cheeks.
  • Volume Loss. Aging can cause a reduction in facial fat, leading to a hollowed appearance in the cheeks and temples.
  • Uneven Skin Texture. Sun exposure and other environmental factors can contribute to uneven skin texture, including rough patches and enlarged pores.

Different Options for Non-Surgical Facelifts

Every person is unique, and we are more than happy to offer a variety of non-surgical facelift options to suit your own individual needs. Follow along as we discuss some of the options we offer:

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are injectable treatments. They use gel-like substances to restore lost volume, smooth out wrinkles, and enhance facial contours. The provider injects fillers into areas of the face that are suffering from volume loss. Some popular treatment areas include:  

  • Lips
  • Addressing shallow contours
  • Addressing the appearance of scars
  • Contouring the face
  • Removing shadows under the eyes


Another popular non-surgical facelift treatment is Botox injections. Injecting these neurotoxins into specific facial muscles temporarily relaxes them. This reduces the appearance of wrinkles and prevents further lines from forming. Our team of qualified estheticians are well-versed in Botox® products and treatments. We can assess your skin treatment options and, if necessary, walk you through the benefits of Botox injection treatments.

Face and Neck Tightening 

As we age, collagen and elastin production slow, and volume is lost, resulting in sagging skin that’s especially noticeable in areas we can’t cover, like our face and neck. To fight this, we offer the latest in tightening treatments such as Morpheus8 and Evolve. These can be done in our Rockville offices, with little to now downtime. Even better, the results are seen over time, so no one will ever know that you had assistance in maintaining your youthful look!

PDO Absorbable Threads

This non-surgical procedure involves inserting dissolvable threads under the skin to lift and tighten sagging areas. This procedure is designed to provide your skin with a natural-looking lift, without undergoing surgery!  Even better? The threads stimulate collagen production, leading to improved skin texture over time.

Laser Facial IPL non-surgical facelift rockville

Utilizing advanced laser technology, this treatment targets the outer layer of the skin, stimulating collagen production and addressing skin imperfections like wrinkles, scars, and sun damage. We offer two types of laser facials:

  • V-IPL is Intense Pulsed Light technology best suited for patients with hyperpigmentation (age spots, sun damage, uneven skin tone) and vascular lesions (rosacea, telangiectasias (broken capillaries and vessels), and hemangioma. Typically 3-6 treatments are needed spaced 4-6 weeks apart.
  • V-ST is best suited for patients who would like to achieve some wrinkle reduction and skin tightening on the face as well as the hands, neck and chest. A minimum of 4 treatments are needed for best results and should be performed every 2-4 weeks.


This FDA-approved treatment uses ultrasound energy to lift and tighten the skin without surgery. It targets the deeper layers of tissue, triggering the body’s natural healing response and resulting in a gradual lifting effect. It is FDA-approved and hands-free, which gives patients a safe and comfortable option for facial rejuvenation, with fantastic results!

PRP Skin Rejuvenation

Microneedling with PRP (platelet rich plasma) is the perfect treatment for people who want younger, healthier looking skin. The procedure involves using small micro needles to make holes in your skin. This triggers your skin’s natural healing process. As a result, it boost natural elastin and collagen growth. The repair process starts immediately, leaving you with safe, beautiful, and predictable results. 

Non-Surgical Facelift Rockville

Non-surgical facelifts have revolutionized the world of cosmetic rejuvenation, providing safe and effective alternatives to traditional surgical procedures. Whether you’re bothered by fine lines, sagging skin, or volume loss, there are various non-surgical options available to cater to your specific needs. Contact us today to find out if its right for your unique goals and skin condition. Embrace the wonders of modern cosmetic technology and unlock the secret to a youthful and radiant appearance without going under the knife.

Botox in Potomac Maryland

Uses of Botox in Potomac Maryland

Botox, short for Botulinum Toxin, is a cosmetic treatment that has captured the attention of the world for its ability to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about Botox cosmetics, shedding light on its impact on both the field of aesthetics and the medical community at large.

What is Botox ?

Botox is primarily used for its cosmetic reasons to temporarily reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on the face. This results in a more youthful and smoother complexion. Botox Cosmetics is a non-surgical treatment that is injected into specific facial muscles to block nerve signals and temporarily paralyze or relax those muscles. This stops the muscle contractions that cause wrinkles, particularly around the eyes, smile lines, and forehead.

According to a 2016 clinical study, Botox is a simple, safe, and effective treatment for reduction of forehead wrinkles.

In 2016, over 4.5 million procedures were performed using Botox and similar medication to fight wrinkles. This type of procedure is the number one nonsurgical cosmetic procedure in the United States.

What Areas of the Body Can be Treated With Botox? botox potomac maryland

Botox can be used for both cosmetic and medical procedures. For cosmetics, the treatment can be used in the following areas:

  • The area between the eyebrows
  • Around the eyes

The FDA also approved Botox to treat certain medical problems including:

  • Overactive bladder
  • Excessive underarm sweating
  • Lower limp spasticity
  • Chronic migraines

What Should be Expected After Botox Treatment?

After the procedure, you will need to avoid rubbing massaging, or applying any pressure to the treated area. When being injected between the brows, do not lie down or bend over for three to four hour. Doing so may cause the Botox to slip under the orbital rim. This could possibly cause an eyelid droop. In most cases, you should be able to go back to your regular routine almost immediately because there isn’t much downtime needed. While results often vary, you should be able to see some within 1-2 days after your procedure and usually lasts around four months.

Best Botox in Potomac Maryland

Dental, Spa, and Cosmetic Surgery has a compassionate and knowledgeable team dedicated to providing the best aesthetics service for you. If you are interested in learning more about Botox cosmetics, contact us today to schedule your consultation! 

Botox for TMJ: What You Need to Know

Botox for TMJ: What You Need to Know

Many people know Botox injections as a cosmetic procedure designed to minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. And while that may be true, Botox also treats a myriad of other conditions. In dentistry, we prescribe Botox for TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorders). Keep reading, and we’ll explain.

What is Botox for TMJ?

Believe it or not – Botox treats 20+ medical conditions that affect the muscles, TMJ being one of them. If you’re not already aware, TMJ is a painful muscle disorder that causes the muscles to tighten from stress and strain, causing:

  • Jaw stiffness
  • Pain when chewing
  • Chronic headaches and migraines
  • Painful clicking and/or popping when opening the jaw

Because Botox prevents our muscles from contracting, it’s highly effective in relieving pain in the jaw, face, and general head area. And in addition to using Botox for TMJ, this injection treats: botox for TMJ

  • Bruxism
  • Mandibular spasms
  • Trismus (aka Lockjaw)
  • Denture discomfort

Where Is It Injected?

Botox is carefully injected into the masseter, temporalis, and pterygoid muscles. And the recommended dosage is a diluted 200 units/4 mL or 100 units/2 mL for chronic migraine pain also associated with TMJ.

Is Botox for TMJ Worth It?

Wondering if it is worth it? A 2003 study demonstrates a 90% improvement in pain from chronic headaches and face pain in patients who weren’t responding to other forms of pain management. By forcing the jaw muscles to relax, many patients experienced pain relief, as well as lessened anxiety, better sleep, and less tooth sensitivity.

Dentist Who Does Botox Near Me

Looking for a dentist who administers Botox for TMJ? With ample experience in both general dentistry and cosmetic procedures, Dr. Hackley is the one for the job. Contact our team to set up an appointment.

Botox for Gummy Smile

Getting Botox for Gummy Smile

Are you unhappy with your gummy smile? While most smiles expose two millimeters (or less) of upper gum tissue, gummy smiles reveal three or more. And while there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that, it makes some people feel self-conscious. However, getting Botox for gummy smile helps.

How Botox for Gummy Smile Works

So, how does Botox for gummy smile work? Well, Botox injections relax the muscles in the upper lip, which prevents it from rising as high when smiling. Essentially, when practitioners inject Botox into the area above the upper lip, the amount of visible gum is drastically reduced.

Many patients prefer using Botox to correct gummy smiles because it’s minimally invasive and relatively quick. Not only that, but the treatment is super effective, and the results last three to four months. (However, if the procedure is regularly repeated, the results start to last even longer.)

Benefits of Getting Botox for Gummy Smiles

Botox for Gummy Smile

Wondering if getting Botox for gummy smile is right for you? Here are some reasons why we recommend it:

  • Results are natural and quick
  • There is very little recovery time
  • Injections are easily adjusted based on the desired results
  • Botox is cost-effective compared to other surgical treatment options
  • Botox injections cause little discomfort (even less so with repeat care)

How Many Botox Units Are Needed?

Generally, we use about one or two units of Botox to correct a gummy smile. As we mentioned, they’re injected into the area between the nose and upper lip to temporarily freeze the muscles elevating your smile.

Best Botox Injector in Rockville, Maryland

If you’re interested in treatment for gummy smile, Dr. Hackley and her team are here for you. Don’t let a gummy smile hold you back, stop by the office or contact us to get your questions answered and/or schedule an appointment.

Baby Botox in Rockville

Guide to Baby Botox in Rockville

…No, it’s not injections designed for babies. Instead, baby Botox (aka micro-Botox) is a trending version of the popular cosmetic procedure. If you’re interested in learning more, stay tuned. Today’s blog post reveals what is baby Botox, as well as its benefits.

What Is Baby Botox?

So, what is baby Botox? Well, like the traditional procedure, baby Botox aims to smooth fine lines and wrinkles. The cutesy name simply refers to the fact that it uses “baby” amounts of toxins to do so.

Why Get Baby Botox?

Instead of using 30 to 40 units, baby Botox only requires about 10 units in highly targeted micro-injections. Because of that, it yields smoother, natural-looking results. We recommend baby Botox to anyone looking to merely dip their toes in the world of Botox. It’s also a great option for younger people (in their 20s) wanting to prevent fine lines before they emerge.

How It Works baby botox rockville

Baby Botox follows the same procedure as traditional Botox – but with a “baby” dose of the toxins. Therefore, the results are less dramatic, and the face looks a bit more natural. Here at Hackley DDS, we use baby Botox on the facial areas most prone to wrinkles and lines (the forehead, crow’s feet, brow furrows, jawbone, lips, frown lines, and the neck).

What To Expect

One of the reasons patients love baby Botox is because it requires very little recovery time. In fact, many people return to work immediately after the procedure. Results usually appear in about a week, and just like regular Botox, they last about two or three months.

Best Baby Botox Practitioner in Rockville, Maryland

So, what is baby Botox? Well, we hope that today’s blog post gave you the answer. If you’re interested in getting Baby Botox in Rockville, Maryland, Dr. Hackley and her team are here for you. Stop by the office or contact our team today.

Dental Spa Montgomery County

Why Visit a Dental Spa Montgomery County?

Sure, we’ve all heard of Botox and fillers. But have you considered getting them from your dentist? While dental professionals might not be the first to come to mind when thinking about cosmetic beauty procedures, they’re the best for the job. Today’s blog post reveals why.

Benefits of Seeing a Dentist for Botox and Fillers

Wondering why you should visit a dental spa Montgomery County for Botox and fillers? Check out these benefits:

Specialist Knowledge dental spa montgomery county

Dental practitioners are highly skilled medical professionals that go through years of specialized training. And during that time, they become very (very!) acquainted with facial anatomy. Of course, dentists also provide holistic diagnoses and advice regarding facial concerns – which is something general plastic surgeons can’t do.

Exceptional Training

As we mentioned, all dental practitioners undergo specialized training. However, even further extensive training is required to administer Botox injections. This — combined with their wealth of facial knowledge — gives them a unique ability to make patients incredibly comfortable throughout procedures.


It doesn’t matter how skilled the Botox injector is – there is a (very slight) chance complications arise. Therefore, you want to ensure you’re working with a skilled injector who has undergone the proper training. Unlike some other Botox injectors, a dentist’s experience verifies that they are well-equipped to monitor both the medical and aesthetic elements of the procedure and handle any potential problems.

Best Dental Spa Montgomery County

Have we convinced you to visit a dental spa Montgomery County for all your Botox and filler needs? If so, Hackley DDS is the very best. As your one-stop shop for premier dental and spa care, our compassionate team provides state-of-the-art dental care alongside a wide variety of cosmetic services.

Contact our team to learn more about how we can serve you.