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Tag: TMJ pain

What Helps TMJ Pain? Top Dentist Recommendations

What Helps TMJ Pain? Top Dentist Recommendations

What helps TMJ pain? Smiling, laughing, chewing, talking- all of these facial movements come without a second thought. But, if you have TMJ those simple, natural movements could cause you a lot of pain and discomfort. Here are some tips from your local dentist on managing TMJ pain.

Understanding TMJ, TMD, and Jaw Pain

Temporomandibular disorders, including arthritis, dislocation, injury, infection, or stress can cause painful clicking and locking of the jaw joint, neck pain, headaches, and tinnitus. The temporomandibular joint is where the lower jawbone meets the skull. The muscles and ligaments in this joint allow you to move your mouth.

While TMJ symptoms may not last long for some people, they can last for years for other patients. This included pain and discomfort that is worsened by clenching, swallowing, chewing, or grinding teeth. Here are some ways you can manage your symptoms.


Yes, really. To help alleviate TMJ pain you should minimize wide jaw movements like chewing, yawning, yelling, or singing. Keep your muscles as relaxed as possible.

Reduce Stress

Another great way to help minimize pain and discomfort associated with TMJ is stress management. Yoga, meditation, gardening, and other relaxing activities can help you loosen and relax your jaw as well as calming your mind.

Stop Slouching

Sitting in an uncomfortable position for longer periods can cause you to feel more pain in your jaw. When you are sitting, choose a chair with good back support, and take frequent breaks to improve your posture. When driving, watching TV, or reading sit upright and ensure that your back is supported.

Exercise Your Jaw

Jaw exercises increase mobility in your joints and help alleviate pain. The best jaw exercises include:

Sleep Well

Getting good quality sleep is important for overall health. To help reduce TMJ pain you should sleep on your back and use pillows to support your neck. Don’t sleep on your stomach or tuck your hand under your jaw when sleeping.

Correct Bad Habits

What Helps TMJ Pain? Top Dentist Recommendations

There are certain habits or tendencies that can lead to temporomandibular joint disorders. These include things like:

  • Grinding your teeth
  • Clenching your teeth
  • Nail biting
  • Resting your jaw in your hand
  • Chewing cheek and lips
  • Clenching jaw muscles and pushing tongue against the teeth

Take note of these unhealthy habits and discuss them with your doctor.

Heat & Cold for TMJ

Ice or a cold compress can help reduce swelling and pain. Alternatively, heat helps increase blood flow and relax your jaw muscles. Apply a hot or cold compress for 15-20 minutes at a time for pain relief.

[Related: Botox for TMJ]

Avoid Triggers

There are certain foods and activities that can trigger TMJ pain. These typically involve opening your mouth forcefully or moving your jaw in an extreme way. Try to avoid the following:

  • Chewing gum
  • Yawning
  • Yelling
  • Eating foods that require prolonged chewing
  • Crunchy or hard foods
  • Taking large bites of food

Treatment Options for TMJ

For some people, at home pain relief exercises may not be enough. Some patients need treatment to alleviate their pain and discomfort. There are different options for this depending on your anatomy and the cause of your TMJ.

What Helps TMJ Pain? TMJ Dentist in Rockville Maryland

Don’t suffer with TMJ pain. If at home treatments aren’t helping, you need to see a professional. We can do an exam, discuss your history, and create a customized treatment plan to minimize your TMJ pain. To learn more about your treatment options for TMJ please contact Hackley DDS today. Our TMJ dentist in Rockville Maryland is ready to help you.