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Tag: pdo threads

non-surgical facelift rockville

Non-Surgical Facelift in Rockville: Unlocking the Fountain of Youth

What is a Non-Surgical Facelift Rockville? Aging is a natural and beautiful part of life, but it’s understandable that many individuals seek ways to maintain a youthful appearance as the years go by. While surgical facelifts have long been a popular choice for turning back the clock, they come with risks, downtime, and a considerable financial investment. Thankfully, advancements in cosmetic procedures have paved the way for non-surgical facelifts, offering a safer, more affordable, and minimally invasive alternative to achieve a rejuvenated look. In fact, in 2020, providers performed more than 13 million of these types of procedures. Keep reading to learn more about non-surgical facelifts in Rockville!

What Do Non-Surgical Facelifts Treat?

Many people wonder what, exactly, non-surgical facelifts treat. The answer?

They target common signs of aging that affect the face. Read along as we discuss the various conditions we treat at our Rockville clinic.

  • Fine Lines and Wrinkles. Over time, the skin loses elasticity, resulting in the formation of fine lines and wrinkles, particularly around the eyes, mouth, and forehead.
  • Sagging Skin. As collagen production declines with age, the skin may begin to sag, leading to a loss of definition along the jawline and cheeks.
  • Volume Loss. Aging can cause a reduction in facial fat, leading to a hollowed appearance in the cheeks and temples.
  • Uneven Skin Texture. Sun exposure and other environmental factors can contribute to uneven skin texture, including rough patches and enlarged pores.

Different Options for Non-Surgical Facelifts

Every person is unique, and we are more than happy to offer a variety of non-surgical facelift options to suit your own individual needs. Follow along as we discuss some of the options we offer:

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are injectable treatments. They use gel-like substances to restore lost volume, smooth out wrinkles, and enhance facial contours. The provider injects fillers into areas of the face that are suffering from volume loss. Some popular treatment areas include:  

  • Lips
  • Addressing shallow contours
  • Addressing the appearance of scars
  • Contouring the face
  • Removing shadows under the eyes


Another popular non-surgical facelift treatment is Botox injections. Injecting these neurotoxins into specific facial muscles temporarily relaxes them. This reduces the appearance of wrinkles and prevents further lines from forming. Our team of qualified estheticians are well-versed in Botox® products and treatments. We can assess your skin treatment options and, if necessary, walk you through the benefits of Botox injection treatments.

Face and Neck Tightening 

As we age, collagen and elastin production slow, and volume is lost, resulting in sagging skin that’s especially noticeable in areas we can’t cover, like our face and neck. To fight this, we offer the latest in tightening treatments such as Morpheus8 and Evolve. These can be done in our Rockville offices, with little to now downtime. Even better, the results are seen over time, so no one will ever know that you had assistance in maintaining your youthful look!

PDO Absorbable Threads

This non-surgical procedure involves inserting dissolvable threads under the skin to lift and tighten sagging areas. This procedure is designed to provide your skin with a natural-looking lift, without undergoing surgery!  Even better? The threads stimulate collagen production, leading to improved skin texture over time.

Laser Facial IPL non-surgical facelift rockville

Utilizing advanced laser technology, this treatment targets the outer layer of the skin, stimulating collagen production and addressing skin imperfections like wrinkles, scars, and sun damage. We offer two types of laser facials:

  • V-IPL is Intense Pulsed Light technology best suited for patients with hyperpigmentation (age spots, sun damage, uneven skin tone) and vascular lesions (rosacea, telangiectasias (broken capillaries and vessels), and hemangioma. Typically 3-6 treatments are needed spaced 4-6 weeks apart.
  • V-ST is best suited for patients who would like to achieve some wrinkle reduction and skin tightening on the face as well as the hands, neck and chest. A minimum of 4 treatments are needed for best results and should be performed every 2-4 weeks.


This FDA-approved treatment uses ultrasound energy to lift and tighten the skin without surgery. It targets the deeper layers of tissue, triggering the body’s natural healing response and resulting in a gradual lifting effect. It is FDA-approved and hands-free, which gives patients a safe and comfortable option for facial rejuvenation, with fantastic results!

PRP Skin Rejuvenation

Microneedling with PRP (platelet rich plasma) is the perfect treatment for people who want younger, healthier looking skin. The procedure involves using small micro needles to make holes in your skin. This triggers your skin’s natural healing process. As a result, it boost natural elastin and collagen growth. The repair process starts immediately, leaving you with safe, beautiful, and predictable results. 

Non-Surgical Facelift Rockville

Non-surgical facelifts have revolutionized the world of cosmetic rejuvenation, providing safe and effective alternatives to traditional surgical procedures. Whether you’re bothered by fine lines, sagging skin, or volume loss, there are various non-surgical options available to cater to your specific needs. Contact us today to find out if its right for your unique goals and skin condition. Embrace the wonders of modern cosmetic technology and unlock the secret to a youthful and radiant appearance without going under the knife.

PDO Thread Lift Rockville MD

PDO Thread Lift Rockville MD

PDO therapy is an innovative cosmetic treatment that ramps up collagen production to subtly lift facial features and counteract the signs of aging. If you’re eager to learn more, here are the answers to the most common PDO Thread Lift FAQs:

What Is the PDO Thread Lift? And How Does It Work?

Essentially, the PDO Thread Lift procedure involves implanting fine, absorbable polydioxanone threads into the subcutaneous layer of the skin. Doing so causes a series of micro-injuries that trigger the body to increase collagen and elastin production. The threads remain for about six to eight months, then they’re absorbed into the body.

Are All PDO Threads the Same?

Nope! This procedure uses several types of PDO threads. And the ones recommended to you are entirely dependent on the areas you’re targeting and the type of improvements you’re hoping to achieve.

What Areas Can PDO Thread Life Be Used On? pdo thread lift rockville MD

This is PDO Thread Lift FAQ that we often hear. At Hackley DDS, we perform this procedure on various areas of the face including the cheeks, brow, nasolabial folds, marionette lines, jawline, and neck. It also treats the arms, thighs, and abdomen.

How Long Does the PDO Thread Lift Procedure Take?

Again, the duration of the PDO Thread Lift depends on the area being targeted. However, most treatments last anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour. Including preparation and aftercare, expect your treatment to last about two hours.

Does It Hurt?

This is yet another common PDO Thread Lift FAQ. While the procedure is minimally invasive, it does cause micro-injuries to the skin. Therefore, patients are given a local anesthetic to ensure they remain comfortable.

How Long Does It Take to See Results?

The results of a PDO Thread Lift are progressive, and the lifting effect peaks about six months post-treatment. From there, the effects of the treatment last between two and three years.

PDO Thread Lift Rockville MD

If you are interested in learning more about this procedure and how it could benefit you, please contact Hackley DDS today.

best non-surgical skin tightening for the neck and face

Best Non-Surgical Skin Tightening for Neck and Face

As we age, we naturally lose collagen. This results in loose skin and unfortunately the face and neck are one of the first places this happens. If you have noticed loose skin, you may want to learn more about the best skin tightening for neck and face. Here’s what you should know.


Morpheus8 uses radiofrequency energy and microneedling to remodel the skin and rebuild collagen. It is safe for use on any area, including the face, neck, eye area, and more. Additionally, it is safe for all skin types and skin tones.


Evolve is a hands-free, non-invasive body sculpting and skin tightening treatment. It is a safe, effective, and painless treatment. Evolve uses bipolar radiofrequency to tighten skin, trim fat and tone your face and neck. It is also safe for other areas of the body.

PDO Thread Lift

nonsurgical skin tightenin for neck and face

PDO threads are a great way to instantly lift loose or sagging skin on the neck, face, and body. The procedure involves placing small, dissolvable threads under the skin with a tiny needle. The treads grab the skin and lift it into the desired position. Although the threads are dissolved, patients see longer lasting results because it stimulates collagen production


This FDA approved treatment rejuvenates skin, restores youthful contours, sculpts necks, and defines jawlines. It is hands-free, so there is no surgery, no anesthesia, and no downtime! Evoke uses bipolar radiofrequency to create controlled thermal damage to the subdermal layer of skin. This stimulates collagen production and boosts elastin. Consequently, you get a tightened, toned, sculpted face and neck.

Microneedling with PRP

Microneedling is a treatment that uses a pen like device to create precise micro-punctures in the skin. This triggers the body’s natural healing process which boosts collagen production. It leaves your skin smoother, firmer, and more toned.

When combined with PRP, the procedure is referred to as a PRP Facial, or vampire facial. PRP uses the natural growth factors in your blood to promote healing and stimulate rapid cell growth. This can rejuvenate the skin and give you a younger looking appearance.

Best Skin Tightening for the Neck and Face

If you are considering skin tightening for the neck and face, please contact Dr. Hackley to schedule a consultation today!