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Tag: botox lip flip rockville

Everything You Need to Know About Botox Lip Flip

Seeking those perfect 10 lips? Give the Botox Lip Flip a shot! The name itself is playful, and so are the results. Plus, the procedure is speedy, cost-effective, and secure.

If you’re here, chances are you’re not thrilled with your gummy smile and are yearning for a plump, luxurious one. Here you will find everything you need to know about Botox Lip Flip.

What is a Botox Lip Flip?

The Botox lip flip involves a treatment that gently relaxes the upper lip, causing it to subtly “flip” outward, resulting in a less gummy smile. This minimally invasive technique creates the illusion of fuller lips by enhancing your natural lip shape without the need for excessive volume.

How Long Does a Lip Flip Take?

This brief cosmetic procedure, conducted in the office, typically lasts only 10 to 20 minutes. The practitioner administers Botox injections into your Cupid’s bow (the center of your upper lip) and the corners of your mouth.

How Does Botox Lip Flip Work?

A small amount of Botox is injected, inducing temporary relaxation of the muscles surrounding your lip. This results in the inner part of your upper lip “flipping” upward and outward.

Is a Lip Flip a Filler Treatment?

A lip flip differs from filler treatments. With a lip flip, your lips achieve a subtle fullness, whereas fillers physically enhance their volume. The lip flip relaxes specific muscles, while dermal fillers add substances like hyaluronic acid to plump and shape your lips.

How Much Does the Procedure Cost?

A lip flip requires very few units of Botox, making it significantly more cost-effective than dermal fillers.

What About Recovery, Results, and Risks?

Recovery: Lip flips require no recovery time, allowing you to resume your normal activities immediately.

Results: Visible effects manifest within a few days and continue to enhance over the following weeks. The full impact becomes apparent approximately 10 to 14 days post-procedure, with results lasting around 2 to 3 months. To sustain these results, additional Botox injections are required. For a more enduring outcome, Botox injectables last for approximately a year.

Risks: Lip flips are considered a safe and low-risk procedure. Some minor bruising or swelling may occur at the injection site.

Botox Lip Flip Treatments in Maryland

Dental, Spa, and Cosmetic Surgery has a compassionate and knowledgeable team dedicated to providing the best aesthetic service for you. If you are interested in learning more about Botox cosmetics, contact us today to schedule your consultation! 

botox lip flip rockville

The Ultimate Guide to Botox Lip Flip Rockville, Maryland

On the hunt for fuller, voluminous lips? Without necessarily going under the knife? If so, a Botox lip flip Rockville, Maryland might be your cosmetic procedure. Today’s blog post will tell you everything you need to know about this popular treatment option.

What To Expect

A Botox lip flip Rockville, Maryland is minimally invasive and super quick. And while most don’t need to numb their lips, numbing cream or nerve block injections are available for those who fear needles.

During the procedure, your practitioner will inject botulinum toxin (aka “Botox”) into your upper lip using a needle. While you might feel a bit uncomfortable, the procedure isn’t painful. Most patients receive a maximum of four to six injections in total, and the entire procedure takes just 15 minutes.

Benefits of a Lip Flip

botox lip flip rockville

To get a lip flip, you must be healthy and free from any active oral infections (like cold sores). Additionally, you must maintain realistic expectations. Lip flips aren’t magic; however, they do have several benefits:

  • Reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Botox relaxes your muscles, which reduces the appearance of wrinkles created by facial expressions.
  • Improve a gummy smile. If your upper lip reveals an unproportionate amount of gum (excessive gingival display), this procedure can help correct it.
  • Less expensive than fillers. Because lip fillers change the volume and shape of your lips, they are more expensive than lip flips. Additionally, lip fillers cause more bruising and swelling.

Best Botox Lip Flip Rockville, Maryland

Because it is minimally invasive, effective, and requires little to no downtime, many people decide that a Botox lip flip Rockville, Maryland is the procedure for them. If this sounds like you, Dr. Hackley and her team are here to help. With 20+ years in the industry, our qualified professionals can make your dream smile a reality. Contact our team to get started.