Benefits of Finding a Botox Dentist Near Me
Ever considered getting Botox from your dentist? Most people start researching ‘Botox dentist near me’ when they’re battling chronic jaw pain, dental problems, or simple wrinkles around the mouth. However, there are plenty of reasons why you might want to get Botox from your dentist! Stay tuned to find out.
Why Choose a Dentist for Botox Treatment
So, what’s the fuss about finding a Botox dentist near me? Well, with years of extensive training and intimate knowledge of oral anatomy, dentists are certified facial specialists. Because they inject anesthetics routinely, they have the training and expertise to deliver a quick, comfortable, and relatively painless injection. (Every time.)
Botox for Anti-Aging 
Looking to minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles? In addition to our cosmetic dentistry services (like teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, dental implants, etc.), Hackley DDS also offers Botox. When Botox is injected into the facial muscles, it blocks the nerves signaling the muscles to contract. The result? A visible reduction of any unwanted aging signs.
Botox for Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD)
The symptoms of TMD include pain in (or around) the jaw, as well as clicking, stiffness, or soreness. Generally, these are brought forth by problems in the facial muscles, jaw, and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) – which connects the lower jaw and the skull. Botox is a terrific solution for those suffering from TMD, as it inactivates the nerve endings causing involuntary jaw contractions.
Best Botox Dentist Near Me
Think Botox might be right for you? Meet the qualified professionals here at Hackley DDS. As experienced dental practitioners – who are certified in the use of Facial Injection Products by the International Academy of Facial Aesthetics – we can handle all your dental and cosmetic concerns. Interested in learning more about what Botox can do to provide radiant, younger-looking skin? Stop by our office or contact our team to speak with an expert today.