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Tag: Best Botox Dentist in Bethesda

Best Botox Dentist in Bethesda

Best Botox Dentist in Bethesda

Can dentists really administer Botox? YES! And you may find that choosing a Botox dentist in Bethesda a very logical choice. Here’s why you should consider it and where to find the best Botox dentist in Bethesda.

What is Botox?

Most people have at least heard the name Botox before. Botox is a brand of botulinum toxin. It is an FDA approved injectable treatment for lines and wrinkles. This injection also has many medical uses like treating chronic migraines, excessive sweating, and more.

Botox is used to improve the appearance of:

  • Forehead lines
  • Crow’s feet
  • Lines around the lips
  • Wrinkles between the eyebrows
  • Subtly lift the eyebrows
  • Nose creases
  • Much more

Why Choose a Botox Dentist?

Best Botox Dentist in Bethesda

Even if it sounds strange, there are many reasons why dentists make excellent Botox injectors. Here are a few of the reasons why dentists are the most qualified and sought-after.

They have extensive training in facial anatomy. Few other professionals understand the bone structure, nerves, and muscles. This is valuable information when it comes to finding the perfect injection areas, for both safety reasons and the best results.

Since dentists are licensed medical professionals, most people already trust them.

Dentists, like surgeons, need steady hands and precision. This is also a requirement of a great Botox injector.

Botox has dental applications. It can be used to improve the appearance of gummy smiles or treat Bruxism and TMJ.

Dentists are already skilled injectors from their training and experience administering local anesthetics and other medications. Injecting Botox is just another application of this skill.

Cosmetic dentists have extensive experience considering aesthetic facial proportions. Their knowledge and understanding of facial anatomy along with this aesthetic sense makes them a perfect choice for Botox injector.

 Busting the Botox Myth- Botox Dentist in Bethesda

Many people associate Botox with the stiff and frozen looking face that’s often portrayed in Hollywood. While this does happen sometimes, it’s rare. Especially when you are using a skilled professional Botox injector.

A Botox dentist in Bethesda can help you with aesthetic goals or treat pain and tension in the jaw. Dr. Hackley is a skilled Botox injector. Her deep understanding of facial anatomy paired with her eye for facial balance and harmony make her an excellent choice. Contact Hackley DDS to learn more.