Top Dentist for Children with Autism in Rockville
Are you looking for a good dentist for children with autism in Rockville? Whether it’s the first time or not, a trip to the dentist often includes lots of new sounds, smells, and sensations. For children with autism, anxiety, or sensory issues, it can be overwhelming. Regular dental care is essential to good oral health, so we have compiled a list of tips to help make your trip to the dentist as smooth as possible.
Preparing for a Visit with a Dentist for Children with Autism in Rockville
Preparation is key. Preparing a child with autism well in advance can be helpful in easing anxiety and promoting a calm and successful visit. Some offices will allow you to schedule a tour prior to your appointment to help your child feel comfortable.
It’s important to discuss your child’s individual needs, concerns, or challenges with your dentist. Every child deserves to get the oral care they need, so we work extra hard to make the experience a pleasant one for all our patients.
Creating a Visual Story
A top dentist for children with autism understands that they need special attention and consideration. One of the most recommended tools is a visual schedule or visual story. A visual story may be helpful in preparing your child as well. Going over each step helps your child practice and understand each step of the process. Your visual story might include things like:
- We will visit the dentist today to make sure my teeth are clean and healthy.
- We will walk into the office and tell the people at the front desk our name.
- While we wait, I can watch tv, color, or play games.
- When the hygienist calls my name, we will walk to a room with special chairs.
- The special chair will move up and down so the dentist can look in my mouth.
- When I sit in the chair, I will keep my hands on my belly and my legs straight out in front of me.
- The dentist will use a bright light to look in my mouth but I can ask for special sunglasses if its too bright.
- The dentist will use a tiny mirror to count my teeth.
- The dentist may take special pictures of my teeth. I have to sit still and wear a heavy apron for this.
- The dentist will clean my teeth with special tools. The dentist will show me these tools and tell me what each one does before using them.
- When I am done, the dentist will give me a special bag with a new toothbrush.
Top Dentist for Children with Autism in Rockville
We aim to make every patient’s experience a good one. We understand that for some children, this requires special considerations. If your child struggles with loud or unexpected noises, you may want to consider noise cancelling headphones for the visit. Your child can also bring an emotional support plushie to make him/her feel more comfortable.
With proper practice and preparation, dental visits for children with autism, sensory issues, or general anxiety can be less stressful. Our pediatric dentist and staff strive to make your child’s visit fun and enjoyable.
Our innovative practice integrates general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, spa services, and body contouring. Our dedicated, compassionate team specializes in state-of-the-art dental care that includes conscious sedation dentistry, dental implants, Invisalign ®, and sleep apnea appliances. Contact Hackley DDS today to schedule an examination. We will ensure that your oral health is in expert hands.