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Smile Makeover

Dental Implant Specialist in Rockville

Dental Implant Specialist in Rockville

When it comes to healthcare, you want the best and your oral health is no different. If you are interested in dental implants, you need a specialist in Rockville. A dental implant specialist can create a treatment plan and ensure you receive the best quality of care.

Dental Implant Specialists

The placement of dental implants is a procedure, not an ADA recognized dental specialty. Like other dental procedures, dental implants require dental education and training. Using a dental implant to replace a missing tooth is a treatment that is customized to each patient. Choosing the best dental implant specialist will ensure that you receive the best treatment.

Benefits of Dental Implants in Rockville Maryland

Dental Implant Specialist in Rockville

Dental implants are a popular method of replacing missing teeth. Since they provide stability, can last a lifetime, and ensure a beautiful smile, many patients are opting for this procedure. Most patients recover quickly and can return to normal eating habits within a week of receiving their dental implants.

Like other surgeries, dental implants take time to heal, but your experience and recovery depend heavily on your provider’s experience and knowledge.

Good Candidates for Dental Implants

Are you missing one or more teeth? Then you may be a good candidate for dental implants. When you lose a tooth, the surrounding bone begins to deteriorate. In order to successfully get a dental implant, you need enough healthy bone to support the post. If you have been missing the tooth for too long, you may not have enough bone remaining.

If your tooth is extracted, then the dentist can help you restore your bone with a bone graft. This builds up the bone structure in preparation for dental implants.

Dental Implant Specialist

The best part of dental implants is that the provider can perform the entire procedure in one office. Dental implant dentists are trained to prepare, plan and restore your smile (and functionality) with dental implants. If you are ready to restore your smile and regain the function of your teeth, it’s time to schedule a consultation. Dr. Hackley is a trained and experienced dental implant specialist. She is ready to help you replace missing teeth and get your confidence back. She can even perform same-day dental implants! Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

Does Insurance Cover Invisalign? Rockville Premium Provider

Does Insurance Cover Invisalign? Rockville Premium Provider

Invisalign is a great alternative to traditional braces, but you may be wondering “does insurance cover Invisalign?” So, let’s dive into it. How are clear aligners different than traditional braces? Does insurance help cover the cost of Invisalign treatment? How much does Invisalign typically cost?

Invisalign Clear Aligners

Clear aligners are plastic trays, or molds, which fit snugly over your teeth to straighten them over time. It’s a wonderful alternative to traditional metal braces. To begin with, your dentist takes computer generated images and impressions of your mouth. Then the provider creates a plan to straighten your teeth.

Typically, the treatment plan involves a series of clear aligners that force your teeth a little straighter each time you change to a new mold. Usually, you wear each aligner for around 2 weeks and then move to another mold. This continues until you reach your final goal. The aligners should be worn for around 22 hours a day. You can remove them to eat and clean your teeth.

Invisalign vs. Traditional Braces

Traditional braces are a system of arch wires and brackets. The brackets are bonded to the teeth and wire is strung through the brackets. These braces put constant pressure on teeth to change their position. You need to go to the orthodontist or dentist every 2-4 weeks for adjustments until you reach your alignment goal.

Benefits of Invisalign Over Traditional Metal Braces

Does Insurance Cover Invisalign? Rockville Premium Provider

Many people prefer Invisalign clear aligners because they are virtually invisible. They also offer a much more comfortable treatment. While there will be an adjustment period after each new set of trays, Invisalign is much different than metal braces.

Furthermore, since you require fewer appointments and a shorter treatment time, clear aligners may be a less expensive option.

The only downside of clear aligners is that they can’t treat everyone. Some cases will require metal braces.

Is Invisalign Covered by Insurance?

This depends on your dental plan. Some plans may cover Invisalign treatment the same way they cover other orthodontic treatment. This generally means they will cover a certain percentage or a certain dollar amount of the treatment. You can ask your dental provider about your insurance benefits or contact your insurance provider directly.

Cost of Invisalign in Rockville

The cost of your treatment is unique to you. The total cost depends on several factors like:

  • The condition of your teeth
  • Length of treatment
  • Experience of the dentist
  • Number of aligners needed

On average, Invisalign treatment can range from $1,500 to $10,00.

How Long Does Invisalign Treatment Take?

This will depend on your treatment plan, but most Invisalign treatment can be completed in around 12 months. On the other hand, metal braces can take two years or longer. As long as you wear your clear aligners the way your provider instructed, your new smile will take no time.

Invisalign Platinum Provider in Rockville & Bethesda

The best way to get an accurate estimate of how much your Invisalign treatment will cost is to schedule an Invisalign consultation.

Dr. Rochelle Hackley and her team would love to help you with your smile! Years of experience and the latest advances in technology mean we will provide our patients with the best possible care. We are a Platinum Provider and currently manage an over 130 successful Invisalign cases each year.

Contact us today at 301-907-3964 and let’s discuss how Invisalign will help you! There’s so much to smile about, and Invisalign is just one more reason.

Don’t forget to ask us about our Invisalign referral program! Get $500 credit for referring a friend and $100 credit for your friend.

Does Insurance Cover Cosmetic Dentistry in Bethesda

Does Insurance Cover Cosmetic Dentistry in Bethesda?

Are you interested in cosmetic dentistry but concerned with the price? You may be wondering “Does insurance covert cosmetic dentistry?.” Well, the answer is, it may. There are certain cases where your insurance will in fact cover cosmetic dentistry.

How Dental Insurance Works

There are many different insurance companies that offer dental insurance. No matter which you choose, most insurance companies will pay a portion of the cost of preventative or medically necessary dental procedures. But they typically won’t cover anything seen as elective, like teeth whitening or porcelain veneers.

On the other hand, dental checkups and cleanings help you prevent cavities and gum disease. These may be covered twice a year. Other procedures like dental crowns, fillings, and other procedures that repair damaged teeth may be covered 50-80%.

What Will Insurance Pay?

Does Insurance Cover Cosmetic Dentistry in Bethesda?

There are certain procedures that may be partially covered by your dental insurance. While we often think of cosmetic dentistry as just improving the appearance of your smile, it also restores oral health. For example, if you need a procedure to fix injured gum tissue, it should be at least partially covered by your dental insurance.

Additionally, these dental procedures are just a few that may fall under your coverage.

Porcelain crowns. These enhance the appearance of your smile by covering up cracked, chipped, or damaged teeth. A crown is a customized, natural looking porcelain cover that matches the surrounding teeth.

Dental implants replace missing teeth. Yes, this improves your smile, but it also helps preserve bone tissue in the jaw, which helps prevent further tooth loss and damage.

Veneers cover the surface of damaged teeth. This is a purely elective procedure but, in some cases, if the enamel has been worn down, this procedure repairs the structure and restores functionality. Additionally, it prevents further damage to the tooth.

Will my insurance cover cosmetic dentistry in Bethesda?

The only way to know for sure if a procedure is covered by your dental insurance is to speak to your dentist about it. You may be surprised by how much your insurance will cover. To learn more about smile makeovers and what Dr. Hackley can do for you, please contact Hackley DDS today.


rockville cosmetic dentistry FAQ

Rockville Cosmetic Dentistry FAQ

Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you. When you don’t love your smile, it’s all too easy to be self-conscious and hide your smile. But, with cosmetic dentistry, you can change your smile and restore your confidence. Here are some of the most common Rockville cosmetic dentistry FAQ.

What is Cosmetic Dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry is one or more dental treatments designed to enhance the appearance of your teeth. This could include:

  • Teeth whitening
  • Dental bonding
  • Porcelain veneers
  • Invisalign
  • Smile makeovers
  • Dental implants
  • Botox for gummy smile
  • Much more!

These cosmetic procedures can be used alone, or in conjunction with others to help you reach your smile goals.

What can cosmetic dentistry fix?

rockville cosmetic dentistry FAQ

Cosmetic dentistry addresses a wide range of smile flaws. This includes:

  • Yellow, or stained teeth
  • Missing teeth
  • Chipped, cracked, or broken teeth
  • Receding gums
  • Crooked teeth
  • Overbites
  • And more.
Is it painful?

No, cosmetic dentistry isn’t painful. It is a safe and effective method of preventing further dental problems. Procedures like porcelain veneers, dental bonding, and crown strengthen your underlying tooth. They also help restore functionality. What’s more, when you love your smile, you will be more motivated to maintain it with good dental hygiene and routine cleanings.

How much does cosmetic dentistry cost?

This varies from patient to patient because cosmetic dentistry is tailored to fit your needs. For example, the national average cost of professional teeth whitening treatment is between $300-$650. However, the best way to know what your treatment will cost is by scheduling a cosmetic consultation with your dentist.

Does insurance cover cosmetic dentistry?

Typically, insurance doesn’t cover cosmetic dentistry. However, some dental plans may cover some of the cost of procedures where the primary purpose is to repair a structure issue. Additionally, some plans do cover a certain amount towards braces or Invisalign.

For procedures not covered by insurance, we proudly offer dental payment plans to help make treatment affordable for every budget.

Is it worth it?

Absolutely. Cosmetic dentistry is a long-term investment. It improves your oral health, self-confidence, and your quality of life. Your smile is worth it.

Your oral health improves with cosmetic procedures like replacing missing teeth or correcting broken teeth. Restoring functionality of your teeth also restores your ability to eat, and speak, effectively. Cosmetic dentistry doesn’t just restore your smile, it restores your life.

Common Types of Cosmetic Dentistry in Rockville Maryland

Teeth whitening. This is an effective way to correct yellow or stained teeth and make your smile stand out.

Veneers. If you want a picture-perfect smile that lasts, veneers are the way to go. Veneers can fix many smile flaws like cracked, crooked, and discolored teeth. They are custom made and stain resistant!

Cosmetic bonding. If you have cracks or chips in your teeth, cosmetic bonding may be the perfect solution. It’s non-invasive and corrects imperfections in a single visit.

Smile makeovers. Just like the name suggests, a smile makeover is a combination of treatments that help you build the perfect smile. This treatment plan is personalized to you and your goals.

Rockville Cosmetic Dentistry Near Me

To learn more about cosmetic dentistry and what it can do for you, please contact Hackley DDS today to schedule your consultation.