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Are Dental Fillings Painful?

Are Dental Filling Painful?

Dental fillings can make superb options for patients who are in need of strong cavity treatments.

Fillings, in a nutshell, seal up cavities, which are tiny holes or opening in the hard surface of the teeth. If you have a cavity, then your dentist will extract any and all hints of deteriorating matter and fill the open area.

When people hear the word cavity, the next thought that comes to mind is, “Are dental filling painful?” So, let’s take a look at the answer to that question.

Are Dental Fillings Painful? They Can Be

The truth is that there are some dental fillings that do cause a little bit of pain. They can hurt from time to time. There are number components that influence whether a filling may hurt, including:

  • Cavity Size: It’s no shocker that bigger cavities tend to hurt more. Deeper ones tend to hurt more as well.
  • Location: If you have a cavity that’s near the top of the tooth, then it may not feel the same as one that’s close to the roots of your teeth.
  • Number of Cavities: The more cavities you have to fill, the more your procedure may hurt.

But Here’s a Little Secret – They Don’t Have to Be!

Are dental filling painful? We’ve already stated that they can be. But, there is an amazing way to prevent tooth pain when getting cavities filled called conscious sedation. This allows people that experience anxiety around going to the dentist to feel more comfortable while in the dentist’s chair. Conscious sedation is given through a pill and allows you to stay awake but feel nothing. You may not even remember anything either!

Don’t Let Fear of Pain Keep You From the Healthy Smile You Deserve, When We Offer Conscious Sedation for the Ultimate in Relaxation at the Dentist!

Do you want to take care of frustrating cavities in Rockland, Maryland without fear and anxiety? Call us here at Hackley Dental Spa today at 301-917-3964 for a pain-free experience with conscious sedation for cavities!

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